Thursday 13 June 2013

A Day in the Life...

Yesterday it was HOT, and I had a million things to do.

First on my list was the pool. Having opened it to find nasty green sludge I've had to dose it with chemicals for the last few days to kill off all the culprits. This morning I had the lengthy job of vacuuming-up all the dead algae, and do other general cleaning (3 hours work). Things are now looking OK, and it's already up to 21 degrees C.

I then had to cut back about 20 wheelbarrow-loads of excess foliage around the pool; it's now all looking quite tidy.

Then came my major task of the day; mowing! Of course the bloody mower refused to start, so Cro took the bloody thing to bits, reassembled it (with difficulty), and the bloody thing still wouldn't start. I'll buy another one today; I cannot stand fiddling about with machines that don't work!!!

Our 'lawn' is both too lumpy and too small for 'Rory', our ride-on mower, but he was required to step in to replace the wretched refusenik; and, I must say, he managed the job quite well. 

Yesterday was also my Elderflower Champagne day. We still have a few bottles from last year and in summer there's nothing better; ice cold, of course. Anyone who has access to Elderflowers should have a go (as long as you have the right flip-top Corona bottles).

If you've not made it before, type 'Elderflower Champagne' into the white search box (top left hand corner), and you'll find all the details, including what type of bottles are needed, etc. It's SO SIMPLE.

I now have to go and drill a large hole through the pool's surrounding wall. It's something I've been meaning to do for years (to allow rain water to drain away from one particular corner). My friend, Danny, has lent me a vicious looking giant pneumatic drill with an enormous drill bit; a bit like those things you see road-repairers using..... I may be some time!


  1. The pool area looks amazing - your hard work has certainly paid off. We don't have any Elder blossom yet but I always make cordial- it is so evocative of summer (if we ever get one).

    1. Flowers are EVERYWHERE here. I was going to make Cordial this year, but was 'instructed' to make Champagne. I always obey.

  2. It looks wonderful - have you had a swim yet?

    1. Not yet, it smells a bit of chemicals. It'll take a few days for it all to evaporate. I think it may be a bit cool too!

  3. Wow! What a difference! I used to enjoy getting up early in the morning and doing basic pool maintenance, checking the pH and chlorine levels, sweeping the frogs and leaves out of it, vacuuming the dust off the bottom. back flushing and rinsing the filter. It was all so very therapeutic. And expensive, there was no town water supply so to top it up every week (you can imagine the evaporation rate here) I had to call in a tanker. I can't wait to build the pool at the new place and this time I have my own supply of water from the well.

    1. We'd make a good team. I do all that maintenance stuff at first light too. Just me, the pool, and the toads.

  4. I would imagine that after all that work, you slept well last night.

  5. I'm yet to make elderflower cordial/champagne. I've still got the tub of citric acid I had a nightmare to obtain from two years ago! The pool looks lovely now! What a difference a couple of days (and a lot of work) makes!

    1. It'll look even better once I get out there with my mop and bucket. The surrounding 'beach' is still a bit dirty.

  6. I was inspired to make elderflower champagne after reading your blog last year. I patiently waited for it to mature and then had a grand opening when my daughter visited. I told her to stand back, expecting a big bang and much fizzing but alas, it opened with just a sigh and a whimper. Still, it did make very nice elderflower jelly.

    1. That does happen occasionally, although I have yet to experience it myself. Our bottles from last year are still VERY fiery.

  7. The pool looks very inviting but I agree that 21C is still a bit chilly. I think 24C and above is OK.
    The new mower looks very mean and menacing in black - it'll scare the grass into submission!
