Monday 20 May 2013

Yesterday's Village Fair.

Well, the weather was a bit better than last year, but what was on offer was much the same.

A few plants, a few animals, and a few caged birds. That was it really, other than a couple of food stalls, and a tack salesman.

This is my friend Henriette (foreground right above) with her stall of organic plants and herbs. She seemed to be doing quite good business, and keeps to the spirit of the day by 'swapping' her plants. Henriette has a wonderful fruit and vegetable garden, which puts mine to shame.

And look; someone had obviously been painting black splodges on this horse; I hope it'll wash off OK.

All my other pictures of the day's events were rubbish, so I'll finish with one of my strawberries instead. There's a tiny blush on a couple of them, so they won't be long. Strawberries are the true sign of advancing Summer.

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  1. Are the black spots on the horse really painted or natural?

  2. Strawberries look good - mine have just finished

  3. If I didn't know better, I'd swear that horse is the reincarnation of my dear, departed Smudge (Dalmatian dog).

    I'm betting the markings are natural. Yeah, I know, you're not saying! But I'm right, right?

  4. I think it's a rebellious zebra.

  5. Stunning horse! I love all the greenery at your market Cro. Our rhubarb is coming up but nary a sign of strawberries. The grass is green though and I'm watching three lambs who have escaped their mothers watchful eye frolicking about in the yard whilst i am having morning tea.

  6. Replies
    1. Lady Magnon had a Dalmatian called Cleo; it was raving MAD.

    2. They all are. AND highly strung AND neurotic AND dopey AND lovable.

    3. I'd agree about everything except the 'LOVABLE'. Cleo used to bare her fangs and growl at me.... when she wasn't otherwise involved in her life-long phantom pregnancy.

  7. I have been to a few things like this, and realize once I have went one year, I have seen every year. Unless of course I am shopping for something I want. We just had our annual strawberry festival. So it is strawberry time here in N. Alabama.

  8. We call our strawberries "squirrel food", and they are damn cheeky about it.

  9. The plants look good. I would probably bought loads

    1. Lady M found a few that she wanted to buy, but they were far too expensive!

  10. Wish I had been there..really really wish I had.
