Thursday 16 May 2013

Walkers, Riders, and Bikers.

This Sunday (19th May 2013) is our village's annual 'Country Pursuits' day, part of which involves hoards of horse-riders, armies of walkers, and quite a few noise-loving-bloody-Quad-bloody-Bikers, all passing within a gnat's whisker our house's back wall. Other attractions include a plant swap, an exhibition of farm animals, and some bloke with a few bits of old machinery.

They've mowed the path, installed direction signs, and sent out invitation 'flyers'.

Certain residents have even put up 'helpful' sign posts (for those who would like to be doing 100 kph past our house) to SLOW DOWN a bit.

But, oh dear, I've just looked at the 12 day weather forecast, and it looks like rain for more than a week. It's POURING as I write.

I'll keep you posted about how it went, on Monday!

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  1. When Paul had to unexpectedly fly back to the UK on Tuesday I (kindly) offered to stay behind to keep the garden watered. Would be a shame if everything shrivelled up in the sunshine. Doh! Now, how do I light the woodburner...

    1. I notice that they have changed the prognosis slightly, and Sunday 'might' be dry! We had a fire last night too.

  2. Didn't it rain on your parade this time last year as well or was that some other exciting event that was held in your area

    1. Same event, Elaine. It could become an habit.

  3. Raining here but Annecy is beautiful in any weather

    1. Lucky you. You're right, Annecy is always spectacular.

  4. Perhaps you have kindly agreed to have the torrential downpour that I had the other day. Many, many thanks for the sunshine I now have instead.

  5. I'm sending Thunderbird 2 with the "Bog Rescue" pod.

  6. Uh's the May 24 weekend coming up here and we also have rain in the forecast. What a shame. All those noisy back yard parties complete with drunken hooting and hollering will have to be moved indoors. Gee.

  7. So, you don't like quad bikes, then? ;-)
