Friday 10 May 2013

Stephen Francis Lester Lowe. M.B. CH.B. M.R.C.P.(uk) F.R.C.P.(c) 1942-1977

Exactly 36 years ago, on the 10th May 1977, my lovely cousin Stephen was brutally murdered in his own home. A 16 year old youth (his next door neighbour) had broken into his house in British Columbia; my cousin challenged him, and was rewarded by being stabbed 15 times. He died at once with one of his young daughters watching in horror.

Stephen was a brilliant doctor. He'd moved to Canada in 1972, and had already become one of the country's top practitioners. Within five years he had become an important advisor to the Canadian government, as well as the director of intensive care at a major hospital. At just 42 his ever advancing career looked to have no bounds. 

But a young thug stopped all that. His desire for free drugs put an end to the life of an unquestioned medical genius.

The above photo sits on my sitting room dresser. I look at it every day of my life, and think of him. For me it exemplifies his academic prowess, his ingrained determination and intelligence, and his deeply caring personality.

I could write a long list of all his achievements and honours, but I'd need to be here all day; I've also greatly reduced the amount of letters after his name above. Outside of medicine he had a pilot's licence, he assisted the Canadian Mounted Police, and he was a member of numerous committees. Whenever and by whoever his knowledge and wisdom was needed, he willingly answered the call.

So, today, on the anniversary of his death, I shall be thinking of him, and missing him. It's been 36 years since the tragedy, and I still haven't recovered from the shock. I have no information about his murderer, or of what sentence he might have received.

RIP my lovely cousin Stephen. From the moment he left us, the world has been a much poorer place.

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  1. This is such a sad story. Why do the best get taken like that? what a terrible waste of a talented and much loved man. And his daughter, I cannot imagine a more horrific ordeal for her.
    I'm very sorry that you have lost someone who obviously care for very much xx

  2. A sad sad story.... Being remembered so fondly is no real consolation

  3. What a stupid waste of life, so close to home.

  4. God bless your cousin. Though such a thing can never be erased from someone's life, I hope your nieces are fine now.

  5. My thoughts go with you and your family

  6. Most families have been touched in some way by the horrors of drugs, but yours in the worst way. I am sorry for your loss.

  7. Well let's hope his murderer later needed medical attention that only your cousin could have administered.

    What a tragic tale. My thoughts are with you on this day. x

  8. My heart goes out to you Mr. M. A man that I am so sure would have found cures for many things that ails this world. I am so sorry for your loss and the world's loss also.
    I have no love or pity for druggy's. I do not feel sorry for them, and what I would do to them is not fit for comment.

  9. What a tragedy. So many lives lost this way because of some crazy, self-serving drug addict. A very nice remembrance of him. So sad to lose someone with so many talents.

  10. Such a terrible loss of an important life, and how horrible his daughter had to witness it.

  11. How completely & utterly awful for you & your family, my thoughts are with you.x

  12. What a tragic story. You think of your cousin every day, and thanks to your post, all of us are thinking about him now, too.

  13. What a terrible, terrible waste that was. I hope his daughter recovered from the trauma and went on to have a happy life.

  14. So sad. I'm sorry for your family all around, Cro, and for the untold others who could have been helped by your brillant cousin.

  15. Thank you everyone for your kind thoughts.

  16. SUch a terrible waste, and what a trauma for his daughter. WHo knows what more Stephen might have done had he lived?

  17. It sounds Cro, that in the short time he lived, your cousin made an indelible mark on the world.

  18. Why don't you contact his widow(family) and ask them about the missing information maybe share a few stories about him. Email me at , I'll see what I can do for you.
