Saturday 4 May 2013

Spring Sprung.

We've been going through a period of warm days and rainy nights; perfect growing weather. The grass is tall, the lawns need mowing almost daily, and trying to keep up with all the sudden lushness is a full-time job. It's all very invigorating.

Even the fly-free horses are happy as they continue to eat their hay from the tender middle of the bale. It really has to be their favourite time of year too.

Everything is greening-up so fast. The sunflower crop has been sown, the maize is about to go in, and at Haddock's (below) I've already planted my tomatoes, aubergines, peppers, courgettes, and a few calabrese. 

It's all going according to plan, and as long as we can reach the 'Saints de Glace' (May 11th 12th and 13th) without frost, we can look forward to a fruit/veg bounty on an unprecedented scale (fingers crossed).

I'm H. A. P. P. Y.

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  1. I can understand your happiness! Abundance is all about you!

  2. Lovely atmospheric pictures Cro - this time of year is full of hope for good harvests - Haddocks is looking very organised.

    1. I need a couple of warm dry days and I'll go over the whole lot with my rotovator. THEN it should look perfect.

  3. That looks wonderful but whatever happened to the tree behind the horses?

    1. The top bit was blown off in the wind, but it's still attached and has flowers. It's a rather uninteresting apple; but the horses like them.

  4. And about bloody time too (that you are H.A.P.P.Y. as well as Springtime arriving).

  5. Haddocks is looking good...fingers crossed for a good growing year.

  6. Lucky you with spring - still cold up here. Haddocks's looking very well and organized. End of May before I can plant out. Very jealous of your sunshine and warmth. Lovely photos of the local landscape.

    1. Everything certainly on the up over here. Lady Magnon is even suggesting I open up the pool, but I think that's being a bit over-optimistic.

  7. Lovely photos - really capture the fact that Spring is springing!! I love the acid greenery of this time of year :)

  8. Lovely! We won't be planting until the end of May here but had our first lamb born today so it must be spring!
