Wednesday 1 May 2013


Lady Magnon has a sleeping disorder that occasionally confines her to bed in the mornings; often until well after 8am. So Cro is occasionally forced to go off to do the toil of shopping alone.

It's not that we're not speaking to each other, it's that I don't want to disturb her convalescence; and, it's so much simpler just to leave a note.

If I come back to an empty house, there's often a reply message. 'Been ravaged by Vikings; back soon', or 'Just seen vision of angels, gone to visit pope', or 'Have been poisoned by Elves; am at doctor's'. Etc.

Marital communication by notes is quiet, calm, and dignified. We should all do it more often.

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  1. I hope you save them all so your children can read them long after you are gone. They are sweet, and funny, and M'Lady's are quite dramatic! Vikings, indeed!

  2. Notes of a few words that can convey a larger message. By not waking Lady M, and just wanting her to know you are OK and have gone out shows concern and kindness, and her funny notes, say that she appreciates you and wants you to smile. It is about having a good marriage and knowing each other very well.

  3. I love Lady M's notes - what an imagination.

  4. ha ha
    we often resort to email and texts when my husband is not at home, but he accidentally sent one meant for me, to his boss...

  5. Do you remember the days of shared housing when nobody ever bought toilet paper? There were always note-leavers in any community, and they would often say things like, "SOMEONE is not washing up their mug. I will no longer wash up anyone's mug other than my own," etc.

    1. Hahaha! Mr EM and I once visited our younger daughter's shared house at uni and saw yellow Post-It stickers with similar messages stuck up all over the place from kitchen to bathroom. The flatmate from hell we both agreed. Then realised whose writing it was...

    2. 'These sausages are mine; I've spat on them'

      'So have we'.

  6. I love this. I leave notes for Heartpoet all the time. He quickly cottoned on and now leaves them for me also with smiley faces and sometimes a line or two of original poetry.


  7. Our neighbours table was always covered with notes to each other. Unfortunately they were nothing like notes about elves and vikings.

  8. Hilarious!! I had a note from my daughter this morning that said "Keep Money". I'm still pondering on that one!!

  9. I like the sound of Lady M's notes! Such fun! :)

  10. Nice! Himself can't read my writing, and when i scribble notes, i'm usually in a hurry so my poor penmanship is worse than usual. I do try to print rather than write cursive in case that makes it easier. It doesn't always help.
