Thursday 4 April 2013


There was I, off to the shops to buy some simple gardening accessory; a wheelbarrow to be precise (Santa obviously didn't read my last two years' lists).

The kindly assistant showed me several models in various colours, styles, etc. I made my selection, and the kindly assistant gave me a pink slip of paper saying that it must be collected outside, behind the store, round by the overflowing dustbins. Yeah, right!

What he failed to tell me was that it comes IN BLOODY BITS, and yet again I'd have to act as some bloody unpaid factory skivvy in order for the wretched thing to look anything like a wheelbarrow.

Well, as per usual the instructions had been printed upside down, and several of the stages had to be completely undone and redone. It's amazing how they fail to mention that a piece you are trying to attach at Stage 4, should actually have gone on at Stage 1.

Anyway, after a couple of hours, I managed to put all the bits together so that it now resembles a wheelbarrow. It just remains to see if anything falls off.

At least I had no bits left over when I'd finished, and I do seem to have a serviceable wheelbarrow. A bloody miracle!

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  1. Well done Cro......did you ever give the grandkids rides in the old one? that was such fun when we were younger. My Pa gave away his wheelbarrow quite recently...for no reason it seems....time for him to get a gardener perhaps.
    Enjoy your sunshine.

    1. They've never been too keen on wheelbarrow rides.... maybe a few cushions would help. The new one has an inflatable tyre, so it might be more comfortable. I'll try again this year.

  2. At least they pressed the barrow part of it into shape for you - It could have been flat-packed as well. They might also have left the rest of it as a single, straight tube. Had they put any air in the tyre?

    1. Amazingly they had... but at what pressure?

  3. Just a case of getting your EU wheelbarrow driving licence now; not forgetting to drop the handles over rough terrain. Does driving on the right apply to wheelbarrows?


    1. EU Driving Licence in France? You must be joking; they DEMAND a French one!

  4. Why does everything come in pieces these days? I'd be willing to pay a little more for a completed article. We do have one hardware store in town who will assemble for a small fee but then, once assembled, will it fit in your vehicle and do they deliver...

  5. I'm just plain terrible at putting stuff together. I'd STILL be fighting with the pieces..actually, no, this is what I'd have done: gone back inside the store, found some kind-looking older male employee, and then I'd have given him the big puppy dog eyes and asked him sweetly to help me put it together. This usually works, as I look younger than my age, and men are often flattered by the "helpless girl" act. It probably won't work for much longer though! I just turned 38. :)

    Also, I live in the South. Older men in this part of the U.S. were raised to be gentlemanly to all females. So that often works to our advantage!

    1. That's probably why I ALWAYS have to assemble my own stuff. Male, old, and ugly!

  6. I have noticed over the past few years that instructions are getting less detailed. Now it is all pictures so they don't have to print it in 20 bloody languages!

    1. Wheelbarrow riding has a long history in our family. In the fall we would fill it with leaves and take turns pushing each other in the wheelbarrow. They are useful tools too.

  7. Duncan, the eight year old here, says "that looks like a fun wheelbarrow!"

  8. You did a good job. Those two grandkids of yours are going to love riding around in it!

  9. I am amazed you did not have a screw leftover as that seems to be what happens here,then we wait with baited breath to see what bit will fall off! Well done.

  10. I paid seven dollars more and had them put it together for me. Yep it is the one at the back of the garden shed in bits and pieces
