Tuesday 2 April 2013

Easter Monday Garden 2013.

This Clematis Armandii, growing against our pool 'pump house', is always splendid when in flower, but this year it has excelled. Evergreen climbers are rare, so we are doubly blessed. It is also delicately fragrant.

The Peach and Nectarine trees are all in flower, and provided that we don't see any late frost, we should have a bumper harvest. I love warm juicy Peaches, direct from the tree. 

These are Plums; plenty of these flowers around, as well as Pears and Cherries

Richard and Richard enjoying the warm afternoon sunshine. I let them loose whilst the dogs were securely in their kennel run. No egg so far today though, and it's Easter Monday too! Cod liver oil for you two!

And finally this is our first proper flowering bush of the year; Japonica. A few small branches from this one always come indoors for Easter day. Bootiful.

Pleeeeze.... no more frosts from now on. Last year we lost almost all our fruit, and I shall soon be getting scurvy.

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  1. Everything looks great - you seem to be way ahead of the U.K.

  2. Like Susan says - you are way ahead of us - it is minus 3 this morning - no sign of any blossom yet. Your pictures have lifted my spirits.

  3. Absolutely fabulous and a comment on an older post just love the tree house!

  4. Truly bootiful.
    I remember warm afternoon sunshine.. I think?

  5. How nice that spring has sprung at Chez Magnon.

    I am still waiting for my first daffodil to bloom. Spring is late in arriving here this year.

  6. When we cut pussy willows the other day I noticed our clematis is still a dry and dirty mess. I can't wait for things to look green again.

  7. It is so nice to see some signs of life, Spring!! We are about where you are. Yesterday was lovely here. Spent the day outdoors, cleaning up and having a fire. Finally! This has been a hanging on winter, we even have another chance of frost tomorrow. Hopefully, our last, it will not be a heavy one, thank goodness.

  8. No buds here in Illinois yet but a few brave Tulips poking thru. Your Japonica bush? Send me some cuttings would ya?

  9. That's fantastic. I am just waiting for the rain, then I'll plant.

  10. I saw old chap, are you sure that you don't live in Eden? It all looks rather seriously splendid.

    I got scurvy once but "Head & Shoulders" cleared it up nicely.

  11. A lovely tour. It snowed again this morning, but as a special favor we'll keep it here and spare your beautiful blooms.

  12. Looks wonderful. We had a quick snow flurry early this afternoon. At one point, it was snowing in the back yard but not in the front.

  13. Look at all the color in these pics! Mother Nature is awakening from her slumber!

  14. I love Clematis Armandii!

  15. Look at all that growth and greenness and blossom. Are you sure you live in the same world as we do? Still lots and lots of snow up here and stuck in a Narnia winter. I dream of your Clematis Armandii

  16. Wonderful to see all that blossom. Fingers crossed toothat you don't have any further frosts.
