Wednesday 24 April 2013

Androcles Goes Walkies!

Normally, when I take the dogs on their daily walks, they're simply left to their own devices, but in recent times Monty (above) has gone walkabout just before reaching home again, so the last 200 metres or so are now spent with him on a lead, and me with my left arm-socket dislodged

He's a bit pig-headed, our Monty. Mostly he's obedient and home-loving, but occasionally he remembers that he's a dog, and his natural instincts take over. When this happens, there's no stopping him.

If he catches the slightest whiff of a far distant morsel, he's off. Hunger rules his heart, and I'm obliged to take to the Compact Royce until I track him down.

So, our walks have now become predictable. Outward journey; no dogs to be seen. Return journey; as above.

I've also been playing Androcles to Monty's Lion. Just after I took the above photo, Monty stopped, lifted his front right paw, and gave me his 'HELP ME!' look. I knew at once what was wrong, and pulled out the troublesome thorn without even a wince (from him). Almost the subject for a good book!

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  1. Aw! Sweet Monty. But typical of a lab, ruled by his nose (and stomach.)

  2. Don't you have the retractable leads over there. Sophie is usually off lead but occasionally needs to be put on it and the long retractable lead is just great. She is also a typical lab that goes in search of food, whatever it may be.

  3. Are you seriously suggesting that Labradors might be used to provide "green" energy in the home? Some sort of dog-powered treat-throttled treadmill you say?

  4. This did make me smile. When my lurchers were young, I would arrive at our walking area, let them out of the car and walk round on my own, while they were off on dog business. I would notice other dog walkers looking at me a mite quizzically and I'd mention that I did actually I have 2 dogs with me, they're just off somewhere else!
    Nowdays, my dogs don't wonder more than a few yards away from me, so I was happy to be reminded of how energetic we (all) were 10 years ago!

  5. A dog cart is the answer for any large dog that pulls your arm off - they soon learn to walk mannerly when put between the shafts!

    1. Having seen him pull a sledge this last winter; we're seriously thinking of a cart as well!

  6. You should get yourself a pair of roller skates...the trip home will be a LOT faster (and WAY more interesting) lol.

  7. That's how much he trusts you Cro. Man and Dog - perfect combination.

  8. I'm with Susan. Couldn't do without the retractable lead for Paddy.

    1. I see them a little like 'reins' on children; I just don't like them!

    2. Isn't the short lead more like 'reins' on children?

  9. A friend of mine has a Malmute/Husky that takes off. He has attached something like a GPS tracker to the collar, so when he can't find Toby, he looks at the tracker, locates the position, and gets in the car to go after him.

    1. I could use a small microphone too. 'Come home, it's dinner time'.

  10. Our Annie was like Monty. Brought back nice memories of a wonderful dog, long gone.
