Friday 15 March 2013

Not again.....

Only a slight dusting, but even so...

I do remember it snowing on Easter Day (about 38 years ago), but for this year we really had thought that winter had gone.

The equinox is only a week away, and we're still having snow and frost. Let's all hope for better things to come.
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  1. Lincolnshire is in a meteorological dither - warm enough for clouds of those mosquito-esque things and yet with occasional half-hearted bursts of rain, sleet, snow and wind before blue sky and weak sun again. Typically disordered.

    You can tell that the weather is not run by the military.

    1. Isn't that what the Met Office call 'Variable'?

  2. I suppose here I should be saying, 'More sun? Not again...'

  3. We're getting it too. -8 yesterday...sheesh.

  4. Yipes! Enough, already!

    I remember having snow one Easter, too. We were at an outdoor sunrise service, shivering our butts off. Forget the Easter finery; everybody was bundled up in heavy clothes and/or wrapped up in blankets.

  5. Oh I do so wish that white stuff would go away. Let us hope the equinox brings with it the order of springtime...

    Anna :o]

  6. I am so ready for Spring!!!!

  7. Sorry to hear this! Hopefully this is one of winter's last hurrahs for the year and spring will return for good this time!

  8. Same here Cro...flurries yesterday, but then plummeting temperatures making it TOO cold to snow.
    I fear my Easter bonnet my have to be fur-lined!

  9. last year we had a snow fall in MAY! No, no climate change here.

  10. In scanning down to your previous posts, I beheld a lovely daffodil and early flowers. Now I see your snow covered wellies.

    I remember a blizzard on April 5, 1973, in Iowa. Flowers blooming one day, and frozen under two feet of snow the next.

  11. Meanwhile, we've had snow constantly on the ground since December, with more coming this Tuesday. Easter bunny is gonna need snowshoes this year!
