Wednesday 13 March 2024

My 30 Greatest Pleasures (not in any order of preference).

I'm re-posting this from 2013. Amazingly I wouldn't change anything on the list.

1. Chicken in all its forms.
2. Unsophisticated local red wine (either Merlot or Cabernet).
3. Paintings by Matisse, Derain, Kitaj, and Augustus John.
4. Lady M's Tarte Tatin (above).
5. My 3 gorgeous children, and my 6 gorgeous grandchildren.
6. My house (as it was).
7. My village (as it was).
8. Instrumental Ska music.
9. Meat.
10. Haddock's (my old veg' garden).
11. Christmas Day.
12. Latin.
13. Monty and Bok (our dogs), and Freddie the Cat (now all deceased). And, of course, now Billy too.
14. Dark green glazed 'Biot' pottery.
15. French 18th C country furniture.
16. Fresh eggs from our hens.
17. Sunshine.
18. Patchouli.
19. Beer accompanied by Pork scratchings.
20. Pork pies.
21. Log fires.
22. Home made bread.
23. Strong blue (and other) cheese.
24. Writing.
25. Driving.
26. Kissing pretty girls.
27. Eating out.
28. Getting up in the morning without any aches or pains.
29. Hearing our church bells.
30. And finally;..... Swimming.

I shall now be going around, for the rest of the week, thinking of all the things I've forgotten.


  1. You forgot Billy at No13!!
    Shame on you!

  2. What about Lady M? Where does she come in the scheme of things? I also think that your children and Grands should come above mere paintings, wine and chickens !

    1. That's why it's entitled 'not in any order of preference'. The numbers are interchangeable.

    2. Sorry, didn't read that bit!!

  3. Simple pleasures . A lot of mine are on the list too. Not Latin. I laboured through 3 years at school and just passed. Mind you I'm glad now I did because I recognise so many words and phrases.
    I love patchouli but my family hates it. I stopped buying it years ago . I used to wear the perfume and burn patchouli incense .

    1. Patchouli has ben my choice of fragrance since I was quite young. I like its earthy quality.

  4. One item you have forgotten is watching "Love Island" on the telly.

    1. That caused me to loose my breakfast. Where's the mop and bucket?

  5. Recipe for a good life - to be taken together in appropriate quantities.

  6. Number 26 intrigues me Cro. Do you wait until they call on you or do you select one in the street; If it is the latter then I hope you ask their permission - I don't want to see you plastered all over the less auspicious dailies.

    1. I practice on Lady M, most others are reluctant.

  7. Number 28 would be higher up my list right now!

    1. I wish it was on mine too. I never know where the pains will be these days!

  8. I am not a list maker. If I were mine would differ a lot from yours though Lady M's Tarte Tatin most welcome. I love apples.

    As to Patchouli: If you want to make me feel queasy by all means wear it in my presence. Stand by to sweep me up should I faint. Or maybe Kimbo will come to the rescue.


    1. Dear Ursula, if your and my tastes were similar, I seriously begin to worry.

  9. Forgetting all of the things that once bothered me, is on my list of things I like.

    1. I like that. If I update my list in the future I might borrow it.

  10. I would welcome an addendum in the future as you find certain things jogged in your memory to come to the front of memory. Or even continual , every day as you find new things in your memories.

    1. So far my favourite things remain favourites, I can't see them changing too much in whatever time I have left.

  11. That's a great list. Life is good.

  12. Kitaj - fantastic, wonderfully weird

    1. I'm sorry I never met him. He was elusive.

  13. Ugh! Patchouli! The merest whiff sends a migraine spiking right through my temples.
