Tuesday 19 March 2013

My 15 Greatest Nightmares (I can only think of 15).

As a follow-on from my 30 greatest pleasures, it seems only decent to now go the other way, and offer my hates!

1. Bread and Butter Pudding (always at No 1).
2. Being cold.
3. Being ill.
4. Arrogance.
5. Snakes.
6. My late, Great Aunt Lillian's cooking.
7. Excessive belief in superstition.
8. One-up-manship.
9. Violence.
10. Netball/Basketball.
11. Celebs.
12. Toothache.
13. Most politicians.
14. Complicated Hi Tech machinery.
15. Late Spring frosts.

I feel I should explain No's 6 and 10.

No 6. My late Aunt Lillian didn't know the inside of a pancake from the outside. The last meal I 'enjoyed' with her was 'unroasted chicken'. She had roasted it (complete with internal plastic bag of giblets) for about 15 minutes. It was completely raw, and without saying a word, I was obliged to take it from the dining table and return it to her kitchen. Aunt Lillian simply sighed.

No 10. Any game that involves running from one side of a court to the other, whilst counting how many times they go up and down, and ending up with a score something like 101-102, must be total lunacy. Why not fight over the ball like in Rugby, or do it blindfolded on stilts; but to run from A to B then back to A then back to B then back to A then.... Complete madness.


  1. Interesting list! I may have to write one, although I fear it will be rather longer.

    Just for the record: I used to love playing netball for the school team and then going home for a big bowl of bread and butter pudding with lashings of custard. Luckily, it was never made by my Aunt Lillian...indeed, I don't think she has ever cooked anything more complicated than a lettuce and tomato salad. She is 91 now and has completely given up on the cooking malarky. She has other hobbies.

  2. I agree with most of your list except for Aunt Lilians cooking but I would add bullying which I really detest and self-absorbed people - I think the Aussies have a saying, he's up his own backside or something like it.

  3. Maybe you just have never eaten a decent B&B pudding? The trick is to use good bread and sweetened, condensed milk.

    1. The strange thing is that I like all the ingredients; but put together.....

    2. Try Mary. Berry's
      She is goddess

  4. Cro...it was my late Aunt Bessie's cooking that was also so dangerous....raw pork on a sweltering hot summer in the late 50s....and I as a child unaware of the consequences!!! Fortunately the wonderful Aunt Helen was there with me in that Glasgow kitchen and stuffed the offending meat in her voluminous knickers while the Bess was getting us some water from the kitchen....oh happy memories!!

  5. I would say that my greatest fear is fear itself, but I think somebody said that already.

  6. So was it uncooked chicken that killed your aunt?

  7. Your #5 would be my #1. I am now grateful that all my Aunts can cook!!! Loving your lists.

  8. Good list. May I add:
    fakes (both people and things)
    rap music
    losing my temper.

    1. How DID I forget Rap 'music' (oxymoron?)!!!!

  9. I'd have to add rodents in the house. Oh, and dead things. Just not good with either of those.

  10. Interesting list. I'd have to add "intolerance" and "narrow-minded people". (Or perhaps they're just different words for "politician"?)

    If your bread & butter pudding is the same as what we call bread pudding, that's one of my favorite indulgences. Made with cinnamon raisin bread, and a rum caramel or bourbon sauce. Decadent!

  11. Most of your pet hates are mine too, except that I quite like bread and butter pudding. Your Aunt Lillian's cooking looks like it might be one to decline too - raw chicken is something I could not eat.

  12. I can relate to most of the things except the bread and butter pudding, which has to be one of the greatest pleasures available to mankind and one of the greatest culinary inventions ever.
    I would replace your B&B pudding with hot air hand driers, which are so frighteningly loud nowadays they make me jump.

    1. Bread and Butter Pudding is a firm favourite with so many, but for me it still remains just about the only food that makes me feel quite ill (even the name).

    2. p.s. I'm sure your Italian Bread Pudding is TOTALLY unrelated!!!

    3. Completely, just a coincidence !!

  13. Oh no, I must teach you to love snakes! Snakes are fabulous!
