Monday 18 February 2013

What a bloody cheek!

Our post on Saturday contained three invitations. Above, to the annual OLDIES meal up at the village (Jambon braisé)

Another to an OLDIES cybercafé (with free biscuits), where one could be taught (by condescending young geeks) how to turn on your laptop, how to buy incontinence pads on the net, and how to turn off again.

And lastly (and probably the worst) to an OLDIES Sunday afternoon Tea-Dance (with more free biscuits).

Oh my god..... they've really got my number. It won't be long before I start getting post from Coffin-u-like or Retirement homes-r-us.

I've told them a thousand times 'You're only as OLDIE as you feel, and I don't feel like a bloody OLDIE'.
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  1. Mail it back and tell them they've sent it to the wrong address. haha! Sue

  2. I felt just the same when my complimentary copy of Saga magazine plopped through the letterbox two days after I turned 50.
    How did they know?

  3. I agree with Sue - I know I am definitely not old myself yet.

  4. Oh dear, it happens to me as well. I get emails from Saga, and Yours, another oldies mag. I am invited to join the W I, the local Friendship Club for the elderly and lonely, and the pop in centre to learn a new craft. Unless I can meet someone at these groups who can walk at least 15 miles a day, 100 miles in a week, then I'm not interested. I am not ready for hanging my boots up just yet.

    1. 'Elderly and lonely'? Now that really would annoy me! However, I do have a soft-spot for the WI.

  5. Time to get the unicycle out of storage, slip into the lycra and pedal around the neighbourhood a bit methinks, Mr Magnon.

    When I was a nipper adults and mature adults ruled the world, held the power, now that I am suitably qualified we seem to have slipped instead into some dreadful youth cult and the most patronising attitude towards anyone over fifty that may be imagined (short of the Zimmer concentration camps).

    The timing of these social trends has been most unfortunate.

  6. Ha ha! All the young things around me pretend they are whiz-kids on computers, but I know they have no better idea than me in most cases!

  7. Fashion is another one. Try going into any high street shop and looking for something for over thirty. You have either got to be a stick insect or look like you have just been on X Factor

  8. We started getting propaganda from AARP- the Association for the advancement of retired people as soon as my husband hit 50. I don't think he'd mind getting it if he was actually retired, but not many people are at that age!

  9. The trouble with the young people of today is that because they have no stamina, they think that someone twice their age is even weaker!
    At my recent 70th birthday parties (2of them) come 3.30 a.m. they were falling asleep while I was still wanting rock on and would have except there was nobody to keep me company except for young sleepers gr'rrr

  10. Three old fart's official.

    1. I fear you are correct.... where do I get my badge?

  11. Dare I say? The tone of your post did make you sound ever such a teensy weensy bit like a Grumpy Old Sod!

    Here everyone has stopped referring to me as Mr, and now address me as Father or Older One. Except that young blade with the sore head of course, he calls me B*****d.

  12. Are you going to the top one - I seem to remember you did last year.

    I now have my own Opinel knife - Doug gave me one he hasn't used - a # 9.

    1. No, I've given up going. The room in which it's held has the most dreadful echo/acoustics and I can't hear a word anyone is saying. I forgot to mention that my No 9 is stainless, as opposed to the usual tempered steel, which is why it is my eating knife.

    2. Does this mean the hearing is going with age?????

  13. You're as old as you feel, and i don't feel ready for that stuff, either. The other day, though, a store clerk called me "Miss." I must have been having a good hair day.

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. Personally I am fed up with what happens after you pass a bottle of wine across the bar code reader at a M&S self-service till. It flashes up a warning and when the baby duty assistant feeds in his/her ID card they always immediately press the, " no need to ask date of birth" option. So much for Estee Lauder and her ffing lying miracle wrinkle creams...

  16. Mon Dieu!! C'est ridicule. You are just a sweet young thing!
