Monday 11 February 2013

Wanted; Wing-Back!

I've reached that age when a wing-back chair looks extremely inviting.

Usually after lunch I grab a quick 10 minute 'power nap', and I can think of no better way of enjoying this than snoozing amongst the downy cushions of an old wing-back chair; preferably Queen Anne with upholstery by Aubusson.

So, I'm on the search for my chair. It needs to be reasonably similar to the one above, in good nick, and cheap. In the UK it would simply be a matter of going to the local tip, and saying eeny, meeny, miny, moe. But not so in France.

If any nearby English family is selling-up, and clearing out all their old furniture, I'd be very willing to accept a gift of said chair. I would even take it away completely free of charge. 

I thank you. (all offers to Cro at Magnon's Meanderings)


  1. Wing back chairs are not essentially English Cro.
    Wingback chairs were first seen in front of fireplaces across Europe in the 1700s. They are named for the part of the frame that extends from the arm and joins the back at a 90-degree or wider angle. The resulting wing shape was used to shield the body from the heat of the roaring fire, as well as shield it from drafts. The wings also trapped heat, warming the back of the body while sitting in front of the fire.

    1. I've never seen one here, but then you hardly ever see a sofa either. I have an ancient settle that I suppose is a wooden version; but it's not too comfortable.

  2. I had one but it's sadly now with my ex as part of the splitting up settlement. He wouldn't give it up though as it's too comfy!

    1. Maybe he's a 'power napper' too. You should have insisted.

  3. We had a wing back Parker Knoll suite when I was younger but as is the way in the 60's it was considered old-fashioned and was replaced by something covered in Dralon. In my opinion the best designs never go out of fashion.

  4. A midnight raid on an OAP home should give you a choice, although they may be somewhat damp. Serried ranks of the things to choose from!

    Is there something wrong with your "chaise longue"?

    Since my army days I've only ever been able to sleep standing up.

  5. I have a couple Cro.....sadly not Aubusson covered though! and one was from a local Charity shop years ago when they could still sell fire regs to abide by then. Sadly we do not live in France.....good luck with your search.

  6. I was about to suggest the OAP home, but Owl Wood got there before me.

    What you want, Cro, is a good, leather-bound Porter's chair which is the Four-Poster of the chair world - a niche in which to hide. Sadly, they fetch high prices in London auctions.

    1. I don't mind not having the roof bit; it's the comfortable wings that appeal... but I must say; a Porter's Chair would be perfect.

  7. Oh you are a man after my own heart. I have 3 such chairs, all dear to me. One is called "Peggys chair" after the lady who gave it to me and the other 2 are called "Sue" and "Parker" as in "Parker Knoll".

    Mad I know...

  8. I can't tell you how overjoyed I was to know that you also are looking for a wing backed chair.
    We are both contemplating getting one each but are hesitant as they remind me of nursing homes and hospital waiting rooms. lol
    The time has come when so called comfy sofas are lovely to sink into but not so easy to get out of. I never thought I'd get to this stage but needs must. lol

  9. You can't beat a wing backed chair for a crafty nap. We bought two leather ones thirty years ago and they seem to improve with age.

  10. I have two old wingbacks just like the photo except they've recently been tided up (not in Aubusson!) but also thankfully, not in pink.

    You come on over Cro and I'll give you first dibs on which one you'd like to curl up in and have a naptime snooze. I'll have some wine on the ready - you bring some of that good french cheese.

  11. Hi Cro ! yes it's me again :)

    There is no need to rob OAP Homes just pay a visit to

    1. Thanks for that; but just look at the prices!!!!

  12. I think I prefer a recliner.

  13. Oh, how I loved my wing back chair. Sadly, I had to give it up a few years ago after much pleading from my hubby for an "old man's chair". He had been injured in an accident and his feet and legs hurt after a long day at work. I still hate to look at that ugly piece of furniture, but he is very comfortable in the evening. The Queen Anne chair has now been placed in the bedroom where the two queen cats sit upon it every day looking out the window at their subjects and fantasy prey.

  14. Ha! Just like lovelygrey, I lost my wingback in my divorce. I acquired it well used and I, in turn, used it well. Now my ex gets to sit in comfort while I sink into the too-soft cushions of my little loveseat.

  15. Good luck with the, what sounds to be almost extinct wing back, I'm thinking the recliner has taken over it's domain, in our house anyway.

  16. I bought one years ago at a charity shop and had it reupholstered. I also later bought a new "chair and a half" as it would accommodate the cats and me in total comfort. It does command a large corner, but well worth it.

    Looks like mine, at least the lines of it do--the fabric is different.
