Thursday 28 February 2013

The holidays are over; in fact, they're deleted.

Last August I posted a photo of my grandson, Ollie, wearing nothing but his father's gum-boots. I have now deleted this posting.

I went back to it recently, as it appeared on my 'others you may like' widget, and I was disgusted to find two, relatively recent, anonymous comments, both of an unbelievably obscene nature.

OK, maybe I was a bit naive posting a photo of a small naked boy, even though he was facing away from the camera, but I never expected the amount of FILTH that I received from Messrs Anonymous.

Tom (aka Hippo) was recently up before the beak having clocked some idiot who was attacking his wife. Well let me say, in no uncertain terms, that if I knew who these perverts were, I'd take a rusty blade to their testicles in an instant, and happily face the beak as a result.

Mess with my grandsons and you mess with me, and THAT I wouldn't wish on anyone! I'm not nice when I'm angry.

Nota Bene: I've been relatively free from idiots on this blog, but none of us is immune. I do have one nutter, however, who is slightly worrying. His name is Colm Brennan (sounds a tad Irish), and he occasionally leaves expletive-filled comments about me personally.

I like to think I respect everyone's opinions, and I hope that mine are respected in return. I've looked at a short video on this particular character's Google + profile, and he obviously has either 'learning difficulties' (which is no excuse), or a drug problem, so it wouldn't be fair to attack him nastily. I don't want to block him, as it might be better for him to vent his anger on line rather than in the street. But I do wish he'd be a little more articulate. All 'F's' and 'C's' don't make for interesting reading.


  1. I'm so sorry. That really stinks. Makes my blood boil, so I can just imagine how it makes you feel.

  2. What a shame that people take advantage of an innocent photograph - it was one of my favourites of yours - just so comical. I have found one or two sleazy comments on old posts of mine - ridiculous as it is only a gardening blog - it is a big loophole in Bloggers system that they can't catch this stuff before it reaches us.

    1. I don't understand how, or why, these idiots manage to find us. Presumably by just going over hundreds of blogs until they find something. Bizarre.

    2. I think they have some sort of filter loaded on their computers that seeks out large areas of bare skin in photos. Sickos!

  3. That is so sad Cro....I remember the was beautiful. We have so many pics and videos of our kids like that when they were awful that the world is so tainted by creeps nowadays.

  4. How sad - it seems a lot of people are having trouble with spam at present. I suppose my turn will come.

  5. fyi My spam has increased too, possibly the invertebrates who produce it are just waking up after their New Years celebrations.

    I wouldn't have been so charitable with your obscene commenters, I'd have thrown them to the cyber-fuzz (here in the UK we're in the throes of a McCarthyesque pogrom, a Night of the Long Knives centred on the media, so the police at al are all primed ready to investigate anything that doesn't require them leaving their seats).

  6. I'm with you 100% Cro. I have been getting quite a lot of Annonymous spam lately though I'm thankful to say not indecent stuff. I thought it was only a matter of time so I have blockes Annonymous comments and that seems to have put a stop to it at least for the moment.

    1. I didn't know I could do that; I'll investigate.

  7. Like Helsie, I don't allow annonymous comments any more and that seems to have eliminated the spam. However, I am becoming much more wary about posting photographs of my grandchildren. I have even gone back and deleted one or two posts which included them. I won't say what I really feel, suffice to say I am ANGRY.

  8. Some people just need a good bitch slap


  9. I have had an increasing number of anonymous mails recently which I treat as spam.
    There are some real sicko's out there Cro, all we can do is to be on our guard and treat them with the contempt that they deserve.

  10. It leaves you feeling personally violated, doesn't it? I was astonished in my naivete when my daughter insisted with some force that I was not to share a similar photo of my grandson. she was right. Keep those you value private.

  11. If folk aren't prepared to put their head above the parapet they're not worthy of a platform. I had to block anonymous comments which I really resented having to do. Two reasons... Firstly... I'm such an advocate of freedom of speech. Secondly and more worryingly... I felt I'd asked for it, because I do enjoy sailing close to the wind. 'All in the best possible taste', as the wonderful late Kenny Everett would say!


  12. I have wondered if that charming and innocent picture might cause you a few unforeseen problems, but I would not have expected problems of this sort. It's a sad world when you cannot post something like that up. I thought that you may have been contravening some sort of p.c. rule with it, but I still thought 'what's wrong with that'. I stopped all anonymous comments ages ago, when someone who pretended to be 'ex-army' took offence to some of my ideas on foreign policy, and I haven't been troubled by cowards since.

    1. As I said above; I was probably being a little naive. It didn't cross my mind.

  13. Yes, they just crawl out of the woodwork, don't they. Sue.

  14. I'm so sorry Cro, for all of us...these people make the world a sadder place.

  15. Cro, that is very sad. I remember that post and it never crossed my mind there was anything wrong with it.

    I have banned anonymous comments too because of the enormous amount of spam. I posted not too long ago about how my site stas had gone through the roof and I was getting a thousand hits in one day. As soon as I killed anonymous comments everything went back to normal, about a dozen hits a month...

    Have a surf around your blogger dashboard for settings, comments and uncheck allow anonymous comments. Also, everytime a comment is posted on my blog I receive an email so if it is offensive, I can delete it immediately.

    I too believe in freedom of speech. I also believe we should live in a society that allows us to leave our doors unlocked but sadly we don't. Some of the anonymous comments I have had have been delightful, either insightful or just downright amusing so I was sad to have to disallow them. I did get one which stated that although I wrote well, with the occasional misplaced comma, it still didn't make me a nice person. Ah well, you can't please everybody! I wonder if that was my ex wife? Anyway, I didn't delete that one because it was only critical of me and not generally offensive. I have stopped following blogs the owners of which allow anonymous posters to snipe at other commentators.

    Regarding the rusty knife, I'm with you on that. I'd hold the bastards down for you... although my preferred method would involve a blow torch.

    Anyway, I am sorry that this happened to you.

  16. I've now changed my comment users from 'Anyone, including anonymous' to 'Registered user, including open ID'. I hope that's no going to stop any of my regular commentators.

  17. It's a sad world when it appears people have nothing better to do than to spend time making vile comments of this nature, Cro. I hope these new adjustments will sort the problem out for you.

  18. I think we often forget that we really do expose ourselves when we blog. It feels so secured, but in reality we really do give a chance to many strangers to hurt us.
    I have not experienced anything bad either, except for one incident, when a male reader, that I thought was my friend, turned on me suddenly, of no apparent reason, saying some pretty nasty things to me. He then went on to deleted all the comments he ever posted on my blog and ordered me to stop visiting his.
    It was very unsettling to experience and it still bothers me that I have no clue of why he behaved that way.
    I hope your issue will soon be resolved.;)

  19. It's a sorry state of affairs when a picture of innocence is abused in such a way. I have had a few comments from time to time that were unfathomable and just deleted them -- but most of the few times there was something nasty they went into my spam folder. But I may do has you have done and limit who can and cannot comment -- which is a shame. There are some scary people out there, that's for sure.

  20. It's a creepy world we live in....I wondered when I first aw that sweet little photo if it was perhaps wise. I have stopped altogether posting photos of family. Best to be safe rather than sorry I suppose...but sad...very very sad.

  21. I am so sorry such perversion exists. Probably always was thus, but now so much more difficult to keep at bay in our electronic lives. That said, thanks for the glimpse; a darling boy and a picture to remember and smile.

  22. Sorry to hear of your recent experience with the sick morons who spill their vileness on all and sundry - seemingly at random.

    Blogger is usually quite good at detecting and isolating spam, that is, until, the past 2-4 weeks when much is getting through and I am spring-cleaning comments on an almost daily basis.

    I have thought of blocking anonymous comments and am still dithering over it...

    Anna :o]

  23. I am so sorry that you are getting obscene comments, but I think that its all over. I have been getting very abusive, obscene, and just general hatred comments because of where I live and what my state does. Its cyber-bullying and it comes from all over the world.
    I am going to block anonymous also, I hate to but I feel the world is coming un-hinged and very badly.
    I loved the photo because it was of childhood innocence and lazy summer days of enjoyment. I am so sorry.

  24. Isn't it sad to think we have to think twice about what we say and show.
    A fellow blogger that I follow is just about to make her blog for private followers only for just the same reason.
    She used to post some lovely pictures of her children but found that they were being copied by unsavoury people.

  25. This is really too bad, Cro. I remember the photo too and considered it cute and innocent. There are twisted people in the world. Sorry this happened to you.

    I recently got a weird nasty comment posted on a blog post of mine. I deleted it right away, and didn't think too much of it, but then the other day I went to some of my blog's traffic sources and found a link to some hardcore porn. How the heck does that even happen?!

  26. I get annoyed when I have to do that "prove you are not a robot" thing, but, that being said, I have been getting SPAM comments on my blog, nothing as bad as you described, but close. But I refuse to put my followers through all that. I just delete.

  27. There have always been wicked and nasty people - we used to call them perverts - and I think the internet has just made it a lot easier for them to make a nuisance of themselves.

    Just think that when you're drawing your last few breaths in this life, all the great things you have to look back on and all they have is that they upset people and were hated by everyone.

    I have all comments sent by email so I can keep tabs on everything and delete pretty quickly. Also comment moderation on posts over 14 days old, which is where this kind of stuff usually lands.

    I do wonder if it would be worth reporting this kind of thing to the police - these people are not usually that clever and anything that makes trouble for them is satisfying.

  28. I am so very, very sorry. Cro. That picture was a delight..all boots and buns.
    My husband maintains websites for a realtor, the local chamber of commerce, the rotary club, and property owners' association. 99% of his time is spent blocking hackers from around the world. Why would some idiot in the Ukraine want to destroy a small-town website in the US? It's more than internet vandalism and the President touched on cyber-attacks in his state of the union message. Forgive the rant but I hear and understand my husband's frustration daily and now this.

  29. Cro, that is awful. I think we all feel upset and disgusted that this could happen.

  30. That is pretty sad,I have not had it happen yet but I imagine that as yours is such an interesting blog and your topics thought provoking that maybe they come to have a nice read and then the "nutter" in them sets in.Who is a lesson to all of us I guess to be on the lookout.I am happy with my state of mind as I thought it was a beautiful photo and so takes all kinds,sorry this happened to you Cro.

  31. That is terrible Cro. I'm all for the rusty knife for such "people". I haven't ever had any nasty comments but found the post about my son's 9th birthday on someone else's blog and that gave me the creeps.

  32. I can only echo every one else Cro. You may remember that I used to get so many anonymous comments on my blog offering various "services" it almost drove me to stop blogging. Thanks to suggestions re blocking any anonymous comments it has made a noticeable difference and hardly anything gets through now. I'm so sorry you've had to experience this. There are some vile people out there . xx

  33. May I thank everyone who's left a comment here. I suppose we have to accept that there are perverts out there, and as such must make our own arrangements to avoid them. Having found what I think was a 'no anonymous comments' button, I trust they are now a thing of the past here. May I suggest that we all do the same. Thank you.

  34. It also makes my blood boil! I'm with you on the rusty knife, although we can carry guns here, which may be more expedient.
