Tuesday 5 February 2013

Reigning Cats-n-Dogs.

Freddie (the cat) has always been a bit wary of the dogs. He knows he was here first, and considers their arrival as newcomer-intrusion.

So, over the last few months, I've been 'training' him to accept them as fellow-four-footers.

Monty now licks him vigorously, and Bok just sniffs his bum. They are, at last, coming to some sort of truce.

If I introduced a kitten into the fold, I'm certain it would end up sleeping amongst the dogs, but as Freddie is the oldest, he just does his own thing and avoids them!

I shall continue with my 'training' until they are all perfectly comfortable in each other's company..... that may take some time, but I'm confident that I'll get there.
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  1. My dog lives to chase cats. We can't seem to break her of it! (I don't think she means any harm, mind you...she just can't resist if a cat runs...)

    Love the pic, btw! :)

    1. That's the same with Bok... if it runs, he runs after it!

  2. Bok looks like he's either close to nodding out for the night...or stoned.
    Great dog. Comfortable in your home, come what may.

  3. Luv the picture of Bok chillin' but must say Freddie looks rather, shall we say, tense. One of my cats wasn't happy when dogs were introduced to the household, she retreated into the greenhouse, preferring to sleep in an old dustbin, she was not a happy cat.

  4. The relationship between cats and dogs always intrigue me
    Our cat seems to delight in his friendship with the terriers , even though every time he rubs faces with them, he is more often than not faced with indifference or mild annoyance

  5. Fairly certain that I had a cat once, but I don't think it was cooked properly.

  6. I don't know Cro. I think it may be best for them to find their own level of comfort with each other.

  7. I have horror stories of introducing my cats to the dogs. Can't trust them anymore. These two dogs are so different from our last brood of animals. No matter how much I try, these dogs will not accept a cat in the fold. We have to lock the dogs up to let the cat out. Hoping it works out for you.

  8. One of my cats hid under the bed for almost a year after we brought our dog home. Only came out to eat and use the litter box.

  9. I've always had good luck with cats and dogs getting along, sleeping together, bathing one another, playing. Continued good luck on your work with Freddie and the boys.

  10. Oh what a cute photo. They do seem to get along very well they are so darn cute. Popping over from Delores Blog. B

  11. The dogs know that cat will sleep in the exact most comfy middle of their dog bed and leave ineradicable cooties. Best to keep cats on edge and prone to leaving the room.

  12. Are you thinking of introducing another kitten then Cro?

    1. I have proposed the idea, but it was met by a firm NO.

  13. When Sophie visits (every day) she is kept in the courtyard which we found the gate to. The cats are NOT amused and Kath gives a loud hiss before retreating.

  14. We brought a Persian cat home when he was about six months old, and we already had a dog. Our dog was very laid-back, and didn't mind the cat, and the cat starting behaving like a dog. (He'd even sit up and beg for treats!) When I walked through the house, the two of them would trail behind me like Mary's little lambs. And they'd take naps together. Really cute.

  15. Freddie is clever. He will be the king, altho Monty and Bok may not realize it.

  16. Very sweet! My little cat EMily is always rubbing against my big boy dog. Most of the time he just sort of looks on benignly, but sometimes he gets fed up and scares her off with a big bark! She looks offended but it doesn't deter her for long.
