Monday 25 February 2013

No Spring Chicken!!!

The problem with having the mind of a 21 year old, and the body of a 121 year old, is that occasionally they clash, and end-up saying 'enough is enough'.

I've never shirked from doing work that any younger, or stronger, man would take in his stride. I shin up trees, saw mountains of logs (admittedly with my Husqvarna), and clean Augean Stables on a daily basis.

At the moment I have three main areas of work; the children's tree house, preparing Haddock's for Spring planting, and general work around the barn. I usually plan which job I will prioritise for the day, and attack with full force. It's only at the end of the day when I realise that my bones, muscles, and energy levels, are lacking in their previously unquestioned vigour.

Over the past few days I have gone a little overboard wanting to make good progress on certain fronts, and today I'm paying the hefty price. I've managed to tear a muscle in my right shoulder, my hands feel like bunches of swollen pulsating salamis, and my lower back is just one huge aching pain. I fear that my poor old body is trying to tell me something.

OK, I won't be able to do anything for a few days (other than saw wood; which is essential), so the ageing process has won the day.

DAMN ageing, DAMN tired muscles, and double-DAMN these wretched effects.


  1. No getting around the fact that our bodies are changing and we must make adjustments. Hope your aching body feels better soon.

    1. Too true. It's having to take several days off that irks!

  2. Tiredness and exhaustion seem to come sooner these days - I sympathise.

  3. Is Lady M giving you lots of sympathy? Or is it a case of "I told you so!"

    1. Guess! But I did have a nice brownie with my tea yesterday.

  4. Yes, none of us are getting any younger.
    I've also noticed jobs I used to take in my stride are now, if not beyond me, getting to be bloody hard work, and the recovery time has stretched from minutes to days.
    Pity we can't replace worn-out body parts like worn-out car parts.

  5. When you're older you can still do all that you used to do, it just takes longer to do and longer to recover.

    Is there no-one younger and stupid you could trick into painting your fences?

  6. wait til your pelvic floor goes Cro ha ha I guess that's just something us girls have to look forward to :-D

    1. We have tiled floors here... never heard of a pelvic one!

  7. I have much sympathy for your pain. Think most gardeners/smallholders have a bad back. I dread the day when I can't dig.

  8. You can still saw wood? With that shoulder ... I'm impressed. Time for another brownie and a nice cup of tea ...

    1. Without the wood we would freeze, although I think we do have some ready sawn emergency logs in store.

  9. I dreamed that I was losing the ability to walk the night before last. I hope that wasn't a premonition.

  10. it's the thought of losing that emergency pile of wood that keeps the potter going with the daily sawing!!!

  11. Yes, I empathise, I seem to be quite perky up until around about mid day and then I'm done for.
    I didn't realise it would be like this and quite frankly maybe its a good job I didn't.
    It's frustrating and hateful.
    'Grow old gracefully' who said that??

  12. I sympathize. Lately, my husband and I are playing "Can you top my pain". I think he is winning, but unfortunately, I am quickly catching up.

  13. It's not much fun getting older but it beats the alternative. At least we are still on 'the right side of the grass'.

  14. When my muscles ache I treat them to a nights rest and more of the same exercise the next day, surprisingly it wears off quite rapidly.

  15. Ouch - body could well have a point

  16. Console yourself that you can do more than you could when you were three years old. Looked at that way, you are stronger now than when you were young.

  17. I agree with mybabyjohn - seem to have permanent shoulder problems these days.

  18. Getting old sucks but I guess it beats the alternative. I was telling myself that today as I pushed my fifth wheelbarrow full of dirty wood shavings from the barn through the snow today.

    Listen to your body. Take a load off! :)

  19. yep our minds tell us how fun this or that project would be such fun .....It's still worth it too me even if I'm down a couple days...I'm debating about pulling up my carpet when I get home fun
    Pictures of tree house?

  20. Sounds like a hot bath with Epsom salts is in order. And yes, resting a day or two will help. I shovelled snow for 2 hours yesterday, and today my legs are reminding me about it.

  21. I hear ya! I had to get in a very small crawl space yesterday for a good part of the day to fix a pipe leak. Today I am sore as hell.
