Monday 14 January 2013

Squelch, squelch, squelch.

Certain bloggers manage to accompany their postings with cleverly related sound tracks; I've still not (thankfully) managed to achieve this horror, so be grateful.

However, as you look at these photos, I'd like you to imagine the sound of size 45 gumboots plodding through sticky, water-filled, mud holes; with the occasional splash, and curse of 'oh for god's sake' thrown in for good measure.

The ground is sodden, all pot-holes are filled with brown water, and gumboots are worn for every dog-emptying sortie. 

It seems to have been raining for ever, but in fact this isn't the case. It mostly rains at night; conveniently stopping before my 8.15 am walk with the hooligans. We have even been taking afternoon tea outdoors in sunshine. Unfortunately the product of the rainfall lingers. 

As you can probably see by the above, it's squelch, squelch, squelch, all the way home! 
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  1. Doesn't make for pleasant walking does it - just be grateful someone invented wellington boots - possibly Mr. Dunlop.

  2. Well, at least you get your rain at night, Cro but I agree, it's really getting beyond a joke now.

  3. Same here. Lulu's walks are much shorter than usual because the fields are sodden, the lanes are up to our ankles in mud and she doesn't want to walk very far in it !! (Lucky for me.)

  4. Snorkels.

    The world isn't going to end in a bang, but in a squelch and a plop.

    We have an inch or two of snow here today - wet, soggy, messy, English snow (but it looks great on t'countryside).

  5. You wouldn't believe the contrast between there and here... we have muggy, uncomfortable heat, and this evening we got 40 minutes drizzle - the first 'rain' for two weeks.

    So, I actually think those photos look wonderful - soft, moist, cool, atmospheric. I want to run out to my studio and paint them right now!

  6. And here I am begging for it! I get an occasional night time teaser but not near enough for all the seed I want to plant.

  7. And today we have clear skies, beautiful sunshine, and about 3 degrees C. Snow maybe tomorrow.

  8. Snow here today, so it was crunch, crunch, watch out! thud! (snowball hits kidneys!). Very happy children everywhere x x

  9. Spare a thought for SW Blighty. It's been squelch squelch for almost a year. And today just more of the same!

  10. people spend money trying to get the effect that you have managed by letting the rain into the pic....raining up here in the sympathy!!!

  11. I quite like yomping through the mud in the rain. Wish I had a dog to walk though - no incentive to venture outside otherwise.

  12. yep same here in Somerset Cro!

  13. What we all have in common is complaining about the weather. Having the rain at night but sun and warmth in the day sounds ideal to me.

  14. At least you don't have to shovel it.

  15. It has been raining here since before my return from the north, and sopping wet as well. I was hoping Santa would bring me some rubber boots to slosh around in, guess I will have to get my own!
    And after my snow fiasco, I am with Delores.

  16. Also, the photos are fabulous!

  17. Hmmmm....we have freezing rain

  18. We've had The Melt going on for three days. I just saw REAL sunshine about three minutes ago, but it's grey again. We're down to the last eight or so inches of snow on the ground.

  19. On your morning walk, just remember how beautiful your spring morning walks will be...sunshine and fine dry days hopefully.

    1. That's exactly what I think about. This morning I shall be thinking even harder... it's POURING.

  20. Just been watering the garden - some rain would be good!

  21. What a mess! I can completely imagine the sounds.
