Monday 7 January 2013

Patience is rewarded.

I think it must be over two months since my girls presented me with an egg. To say that I'm now eggstatic is underestimating my joy.

Thank you; whichever one of you is responsible.

p.s. I've now had a second one!

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  1. Pretty eggs from ugly chickens. The girls are earning their keep.

  2. Hurrah! I do so miss collecting fresh eggs from my own hens. The old hen hut is now used for storage and the run is full of bean canes - not quite the same as seeing my girls scuffling through the straw and having dust baths. Sigh.

  3. I suspect that you had accidentally switched hens with Margot Leadbetter's Ooh-Ah birds.

  4. ohh how lovely!! eat it slowly and savour!!

  5. Yay!! Leia started producing just after Xmas again after a lull of a couple of months. She's been 'pretty regular' since.

    1. I've just come back with a 3rd egg, so someone is 'pretty regular'. I just wonder when the other two will start.

  6. I have read about the "no egg" situation happening to other chicken owners this winter. Perhaps they have all gone on strike.

  7. I'm a starving vulture so, bugger patience, I'm gonna kill something...

  8. Well done girls. I bet the yolk is much yellower that the ones I get from the local supermarket Cro.

  9. Eggs from your own hens are always the best. I have the next best thing in that I buy them from friends. Came home a day or two ago to find a box on the table. When I phoned to find out who had left them I was told they are a New Year present. Frittata for dinner tonight!

  10. I'm guessing the egg laying competition is beginning again, so once the challenge has been presented, the others are stepping up to the plate!

  11. Last year was a thin egg year but this winter we have, so far, done pretty well. I can sell the surplus which is just as well as the price of food has gone through the roof.

  12. That's funny- I just got a few eggs from some chickens who hadn't laid in months! Guess French and American poultry speak the same language.

  13. Woo hoo! This is how we really know the days are getting longer....screw the clocks!
