Friday 25 January 2013

Helping Grumpy with the Logs.

Sadly, my little helpers have both gone home. What good boys they were!

It really is time I bought a new wheelbarrow; the one above is falling to bits.

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  1. With you being an 'arty' type I am surprised that the big barrow isn't brightly coloured!

    I bet the kids love being with you and doing what Grumpy does!

  2. The little wheelbarrow is one that Harry would greatly approve of, pink is his favourite colour. I bet those boys loved flexing their muscles to show Grumpy how strong and helpful they were. You just couldn't have done it without their help!

  3. I was Grumpy once, but then I discovered that all of the other dwarves have speaking parts.

    Must agree wholeheartedly with Hippo and Elaine - at the very least your barrow should be tie-dyed. How, Sir, would it look if you were one day to be wheeled into Le Accident & Emergency Frenchish because the wheelbarrow wheel had caught in your kaftan and all they had to cut away was some dull work-a-day machine?

  4. Did you put those young boys to work for their supper?

  5. I love the fact that your grandsons call you "Grumpy". That is so sweet!

  6. I'm sure your wheelbarrow feels comfy to use, much the way a favourite pair of slippers or old jumper does. And its use made all the sweeter when accompanied by a smaller version pushed by eager, little hands.

  7. Aww! Lovely photo. I bet they love helping Grumpy!

  8. You made memories together.....sweet.

  9. That picture ahould be framed!
