Saturday 5 January 2013

Doh! A Saturday Special.

Don't you just hate plates that have 'Pasta' written all over them, or tall glass jars that say 'Spaghetti', or even dog bowls that say 'Dog'.

I asked for a pair of light-weight running jumping brothel-creepers; and look what they sold me. 

I know they're ghastly, so no need to tell me. But here, several pairs of these throw-away non-leather 'pétanque-player' shoes are essential; and the cheaper the better. But why-oh-why do they have to write 'Walking' on the inside!

Do they think we're thick-heads, numb-skulls, or half-wits? Maybe non English-speaking Frenchies think it sounds exotic; I don't!.

For buying them, maybe I am a thick-headed nit-wit; but I don't want to be reminded!
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  1. This reminds me of that joke about the label in Paddy's wife's knickers, but too rude to be repeated on this tres refined blog!

    1. I shall now be thinking of this for the whole day!

  2. So are your 'pleather' shoes comfortable? ... and I too want to know the tagline for the Knicker joke!

  3. At least they have yet to put little stickers in there explaining left versus right and "toes to front". Yet ... - been wearin' 'em for decades, they feel like real animal skin and believe it or no, they outlast animal skin too ... There are just enough sensible designs on offer to suit an old fart like me, although you do have to sift through some very odd-looking things that must be aimed at the Yooffe of Tudday.

    Plug plug shameless plug with apologies and promises to never do it again to Cro's blog!

    1. Forgot to forewarn that the place is run by testicle-free gentlemen subject to absolute Feminista rule - apparently there is now only a commercial market for women's shoes and "mens/unisex" shoes. Can't be long now before the highly offensive word "mens" is removed altogether (along with the apostrophe that has already been executed)!

    2. There's a vegetarian shoes shop in Brighton called R Soles.

  4. Cro,

    It is clearly a speed rating, as for car tyres. These are obviously only rated for walking. To run in them risks a catastrophic blow out. It's new EU safety legislation, I know you like them. Also, if the footwear police catch you running in them, you could be fined. For a first offence, I believe it is half an hour's merciless tickling of the offenders feet with a feather duster.

    Vegetarian shoes, eh? Well I'll eat my hat!

  5. R Soles? Is that the place with the catchy slogan, 'R Soles, R Soles, R soles will go to Heaven!'?

  6. oh my....perhaps they're just the starter pair and you can work up to the running??

  7. It's to cover themselves. If you ran in them and tripped you can't sue the company. :)

  8. R Soles... you guys crack me up. By the way, what's a brothel-creeper???

  9. As bad as those signs people hang on their walls saying CALM BREATHE THINK, or my lovely coffee cup that has CHOCOLATE stamped into the clay.

    I think you should have a little run in them, just to spite them.

    1. To bring out the devil in me... I might just do that!

  10. I seem to remember that one of your most cherished possessions when at college was a bread-board with the word 'BRAED' carved into it - probably in Wales. I coveted that thing at the time.

    1. I since understand that every fifth board was mis-spelt on purpose. They sold very well, with the purchasers laughing up their sleeves; the makers (of course) just charged a bit extra (laughing up THEIR sleeves)!

    2. I do also own an ancient enamelled Flour bin that has the word 'Flour' stamped onto the side.... but neither of these are in the same category as the above.

    3. I was very tempted to buy a facsimile of a 17th century apothecary's china jar, with the words 'Instant Coffee' painted on the side in Olde English script.

  11. I guess I'm just wondering 'walking' as opposed to what? Are there pairs of these shoes for other purposes and what would those purposes be? We sell socks here labelled for dress, running, walking, hiking....maybe these shoes are the same. Will those little lables come off?

    1. Ah, you say that, Baby, but I recently bought a tweed hat which is called an 'Irish Walking Hat'. It hasn't improved my gait.

    2. Your walking hat would come into it's own if you drank more Irish Whiskey - that's the secret of the hat!

  12. Never take them off. Nobody will ever need know.

  13. Could be worse - they could be 'skipping' shoes. Imagine having a pair of shoes just for skipping in. It could catch on I reckon!

  14. That's not as bad as people who put big fancy lettering on the back windows of their cars or trucks... proclaiming the make of their vehicle.

  15. My pet hate is packets that say Open Here. To which I say damn and blast I'll open the packet where I want & down the bloody side too as is my right as the owner.
    Cretins the lot of them!

  16. When you get old, you might forget what you do in them...
