Tuesday 11 December 2012


Guess what? 3 huge ready-mix lorries, 3 other vehicles, and about 10 men, turned up yesterday morning to pour the concrete floor in our séchoir.

The concrete was brought from two of the ready-mix lorries by dumper truck (the ground was too wet for them to get up close), then emptied on the ground for the men to chuck around.  Others levelled as the surface became filled up.

And this is the finished result. 

Someone will return later today to run this upside-down 'helicopter' over the surface to make it really smooth. Then that's it; we have a huge roller-skating surface, or dance floor!

Folks; there IS a Santa Claus!

p.s. It's now 6am. With our current damp weather, the concrete hasn't dried out as foreseen, so the poor 'helicopter' man has been returning to the site all night long. He first returned at 8pm, then again at 1am, and he's just come back again at 5am. As I type, I can hear the machine doing its stuff, about 150 metres away. The concrete has to be 'just right' in order to get the perfect finish. Poor guy!

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  1. Quick, Cro! Before the concrete dries! Get Monty and Bok's pawprints set in a corner somewhere! :)

    1. We've been keeping them on their leads. A bit more difficult with the cat! Hopefully it's now dry and smooth; I'll go to inspect when it gets light in about 2 hours time.

  2. will wonders never cease? Actually, I have heard that dampness is good for drying concrete. Drying to quickly can cause cracks. Around here, they 'water' the concrete for a couple of days after pouring.

  3. A new floor at last,well done but just ignore the fellow or whatever above..small minds out there.

  4. The poor man is still there with his machine. I've just been up to see him, and the floor, and all is looking good!

  5. That reminds me of a time when I glued the final bit of a fire surround on with my assistant who mixed the glue up. At midnight, before the glue had set and after the householders had gone to bed, I asked him for the 100th time, "Are you absolutely SURE that you put some hardener in it?" The floor's looking good.

  6. The question remains though, Mr Magnon, is it actually possible to anonymously treat French genital warts with an upside-down helicopter?

    Splendid-looking floor by the way. Do you have a bicycle with which to explore it?

  7. That upside down helicopter looks a great bit of kit! Here we just shave away with long heavy planks which is why my restaurant floor would make a putting green because technically it is smooth, but one to test the best as the ball meanders across it.

    It really is satisfying seeing progress, isn't it?

    Will you be tiling it in Cro Magnon Orange?

    1. They did the plank bit first, but that left tiny ridges. The 'copter just smooths it to a billiard table surface. I've just been up to inspect, and it's perfect.

  8. Hlmmm...I wonder if the concrete guys were reading your blog and decided they'd better 'get at it' or you would do it yourself. I'm so happy for you that it's done now. On to the next step.

  9. They have returned!! I am sure you were ecstatic when you saw those trucks coming down the road. What a nice early Christmas present.

  10. And a fine floor it is! I remember my parents putting down the floor for the garage in our family home. It was quite something to see the two of them either side of the wet concrete holding onto a large flat plank trying to create some kind of rhythm to smooth out the whole thing. Shame they didn't have an upside-down helicopter.

  11. I hope you will be having a ceilidh to celebrate the grand opening!

    1. Probably just some 'rough dancing' next summer.

  12. Huzzah, indeed!

    That's one thing you received that was on your Christmas list. Now, about those non GMO seeds that are vigourous and shun all manners of pests and diseases....

  13. YAY! An early Christmas present! (Or is it a LATE Easter present...?)

  14. You should have a roller-skating party. I would!

  15. Oh how exciting....what will you do in there first?

  16. Like Amy says - Father Christmas is real and the concrete looks good too

  17. "The 'copter just smooths it to a billiard table surface."

    Can't wait to see the lengths of the cues and bridges in your rack!

  18. Wow, fabulous!! I am jealous because our lower barn's concrete floor is in bad shape, and I'd like to see a new one poured. It used to be a milking parlour.

    Your new concrete is beautiful! Smooth as a baby's bottom. ;)

  19. What a dance floor! I cannot wait to see it all finished.
