Monday 3 December 2012

Oh no; they're at it again!

First it was her younger sister, Tamara Ecclestone, who bought America's most expensive gaff. Now it's equally bimbonic Petra Ecclestone who's buying this ridiculous faux Versailles $78 million monstrosity, which apparently is America's second most expensive gaff.

She and her cutie-wootie lap dog should feel very much at home; especially as the two sisters will soon be neighbours...... IF they ever actually get to stay in their respective properties.

Now, I don't want you to think she's dim. Her daddy did send her to The London School of Economics, and to University College London, but at both institutions she was 'unable to complete her courses'. Poor love; all that shopping, and house hunting, probably clashed with her studies. 

Something tells me that daddy is spoiling his little girls!


  1. Gee, the closest I got to being spoiled was being allowed to keep my bicycle in the basement.

    1. And I quite expect you're a better person for it. These two wouldn't even know what to do with a bicycle!

  2. If nature abhors an absolute vacuum why does it keep producing these things? The dog is a silly breed but I have no doubt that it is the brains of this couple!

  3. I don't know what to say to this many thoughts immediately sprang to mind...most of them not very kind about people like 'if in doubt...say nowt' just about sums it up from me.

  4. Hi Cro,
    I think that Daddy has been spoiling himself too by marrying a Brazilian beauty, 46 years younger than himself ........... do you think that it was his silvery grey hair and stature that won her over ?!!!!!!!!!! XXXX

  5. That, and his staggeringly good looks!

  6. He hasn't done bad for an ex used car salesman.

    He has run, and profited from, Formula One like an African Dictator does his country but unlike an African dictator, he has made everyone else involved very rich as well.

    I wonder if, in his quieter moments, he ponders on how everything he built up will be frittered away. Perhaps if he had involved himself more in charitable initiatives, he would have engendered a little more humility in his daughters.

  7. The things that give me the greatest pleasure are things that I've worked hard for or struggled to achieve. Having said that I find it hard not to indulge and spoilt my own children!

    1. I'm sure we all 'spoil our own children', but to this extent is a bit excessive.

  8. I guess "To whom much has been given, much will be required", does not apply here.

  9. I do hope she appreciates having a roof over head!

  10. I'm with libby on this one. Nowt it is.

  11. send the silly gals around to my gass and they can spend as much as they like!

  12. Huh. I have no idea what a gaff is and I've never heard of these people.
