Saturday 15 December 2012

Local Comedian?

As you can imagine, we have very little graffiti out here in the French countryside, so I was amused to see this irreverent youthful inking of 'Marianne'. Not only has she been defaced, but also transgenderized (that's an American word, by the way). 

I quite expect that this is a Guillotining offence; so I'm keeping my distance. They tend to chop heads first, and ask questions after!

The sign in question hangs on a very tall, nearby, mobile-phone antenna; and I find its silliness rather appealing.
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  1. Sadly, we do indeed have graffiti most everywhere. But sometimes, especially on the south side of Chicago, an area I drive through QUICKLY, the graffiti can be beautiful. Too sad such talent is used to deface other peoples property.

    1. This, luckily is just a throw-away sign. I can't stand to see all those juvenile 'squiggles' over lovely old buildings. It makes my blood boil!

  2. Well, I don't know who "Marianne" is, but it's hard to imagine her through that male image...ha! You are right, the talent that is used for this is amusing. Glad you've had your entertainment for the day and hope you keep your head!!

    1. 'Marianne' is the face of 'The French Republic'. She appears on all official papers etc, and there is always a bust of her in every Mayor's office.

  3. Marianne would be a darn sight more popular today if she had not been overheard by history in a WWII theatre whispering "Qu’ils mangent de la brioche ..." to Napoleon while Lincoln was shot in the next box along by an unamused Queen Victoria who was secretly dating Horatio Hornblower.

    Have to agree on the adolescent squiggles - ugly and in no way "art". A bit like tattoos and anything that comes out of the fetid, echoing skulls of Damien Hirst and Tracey Emin et al.

  4. As an artist Cro, have you ever seen a picture or statue that you really felt needed a 'tweek' of some description, and your fingers itched to just 'adjust it'?

    1. There was a rather bad life-size Venus in a nearby town that had been given a bra and pants.... I wish I'd done that; it was hilarious.

  5. That is an improvement I think...not grafitti.

  6. just can't keep those creative types down.

  7. Nice work! I thought it was part of the original at first. :)

  8. I think that's extremely stylish and far better than the usual portrayals of Marianne ! I honestly think they must have been barking up the wrong tree when they did the original images of her. :)
