Friday 21 December 2012

It's The End of The Musical World! Richard Strauss. Also sprach Zarathustra.

Yes, I know I've posted this before, but for anyone who missed it first time round, may I suggest you get out the Kleenex, go to the loo (otherwise you might wet yourself), and enjoy.

Not particularly Mayan, but could this be the end of the musical world, as we know it?

See y'all tomorrow!


  1. Ha! All the right notes - not necessarily in the right order - well, not even the right notes. Musical suicide.

  2. That racket could stave off the end of the world! Good on the kids for giving it a go, though!

    I shall pass from this world to the next christening my pond. I don't mean easing springs into it, I mean fishing it. Having gone to all the trouble digging and then stocking it, it would be a shame for all those fish to go to waste! Last night they were leaping clean out of the water. Maybe like the Dolphins in the Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Universe, they are getting ready to leave. I shall dress smart casual and take some beer down to the pond with me.

  3. Well they tried.

  4. still here? :-) Me too! Well, that little clip managed to put Buzzy McDuff into a lather, throw back his head and howl. So funny - loved it!

  5. I'm so glad you posted that, I missed it last time obviously.
    Brilliant and you were right it bought a smile to my face, managed to keep the other thing under control. lol

  6. Splendid! I knew what they were *trying* to play so i'll give them points for that.

  7. If I don't get back before Christmas, I would like to wish you and your lovely family, a very happy holiday, with good health and much happiness for 2013.

  8. Oh too late - pass the clean underwear and my medical corset! Brilliant!

    p.s. also now stolen to share! Thank you!
