Monday 24 December 2012


Unashamedly schmaltzy, and hopelessly idealistic, I still love Chris Rea's 'Driving home for Christmas'. It reminds me of my mother trying to force a 30 lb Turkey into a small oven, of inordinate amounts of presents under the tree, of long-departed Aunts and Uncles, and of snoozing in front of 'The Wizard of Oz'.

Some of the best Christmases, for me, were in the late 50's and 60's, when my family would drive up to our hill-top cottage in Wales, overlooking the rolling hills of Powys. If it snowed, which it did often, the morning sunrise would turn the hills pink; it was magic.

So, if you're driving somewhere this Christmas Eve, do have a safe journey, and maybe even listen to this song. Cro xx


  1. I think it must have been 1968 when I went up there on a visit back - I remember it started snowing on Christmas Eve and was picture perfect on Christmas morning.

    I phoned Tenpin this morning (Christmas Eve) for a chat. Once again Merry Christmas.

    1. I expect we'll phone her tomorrow. Wills was 'blown-up' in a recent storm, so has no phone or computer. ESP will have to suffice for the moment.

    2. Yes, Tenpin mentioned that. Storm here at present.

  2. Wishing you a succulent turkey and overcooked (home-grown) sprouts. Plus lots of schmaltz this Christmas. Have a good one.

  3. Love the song! I'm driving south to see the grandson for Christmas Eve and morning, then back home for dinner with the rest of my family.

    Merry Christmas to you, Cro.

  4. One of the best things about The Impossibly Perfect Christmas is that by the time we croak it, most of us in the (Western world) firing line have collected enough pieces to nail a whole one together! Like you, I have some fantastic memories of Christmasses ... except for that one in the late sixties when the last of my grand-parents snuffed it, my parents went away to make arrangements and my sister and I (and the dog) were left at home with a 5,000lb turkey to dispose of. Even the dog wouldn't eat it in the end!

    Happy Humbug!

  5. The only happy Christmas memories I have are ones I have made with my family. There are none I remember as a mom hates Christmas and told us so every year. So now, as an adult, the house is decorated, the food is prepared, the lights are up and my family are here....I LOVE Christmas. Happy Christmas Cro x

    1. That's rather sad, but sounds like you make up for it now. Best wishes.

  6. I love Chris Rea's Driving Home for Christmas song too. But I guess he didn't have a very good Christmas because the following year he sang Road to Hell! Bonne Noel Cro and Lady M.

  7. Happy Christmas Cro & Lady M.
    Plenty of walks to burn it all off. Jx

  8. A classic song. I have no idea how many times I spent Christmas on duty so when I managed a family one, I always went overboard!

    Have a Merry Christmas and prosperous New Year!

  9. Stopping by to wish you a wonderful Christmas and a wonderful Holidays with your loved ones. Thank you for all your lovely comments and visits in the past year.

  10. Btw, this is my most favorite Christmas song.;)

  11. It has recently become my favourite 'modern' christmas song. Love it.
    Thanks for the safe journey wishes. I'm just off to collect my mother (and everything but the kitchen sink if I'm not mistaken).
    Have a wonderful christmas. xx

  12. Replies
    1. Thanks Camille; about time you did some writing n'est pas?

    2. Ah, tous en temps utile mon ami.

  13. This is my first time hearing this song. There's a nice country, travel-ish feel to it. I wonder why it hasn't crossed the water and become more of a hit over here too?

  14. Oh, by the way, Merry Christmas!

  15. A Very Merry Christmas to you and the lovely Lady M. Have a peaceful Holiday season.

  16. Awful song. Bah humbug.

    Merry Christmas to you and yours Cro.x

  17. A merry Christmas from us on the top of a hill in Powys. Snow looks highly unlikely - but we would be happy just for a spell of dry weather.

  18. If you were driving up them Welsh hills for Christmas, Cro you'd need a bloomin ark or an Army Duck. You and Lady M, have a great Christmas. Love Molly xx

  19. Happy Christmas to you, Lady M, Bok, and Monty! If i lived closer, i'd have picked up some beef bones for dogs when i got today's roast. I'm sure Monty and Bok would have loved them.

  20. Merry Christmas to you and yours! The farthest I'm going tonight is to the barn to say good night to the ducks and chickens.

  21. Couldn't be more different from the sort of Christmas we have here. One day I'd love to experience it.
    Merry Christmas
