Tuesday 18 December 2012

A Winter Walk.

The ground has been totally sodden by intermittent heavy showers. Animals can no longer hide their passage; this signature was Monty's.

There is very little non green or brown colour about. These Spindle Berries are only just clinging on...

...along with some wild Rose hips which I shall use in the next few days in place of my non-existent Holly berries.

There's also plenty of yellow Gorse, but that can stay where it is.

We often take this woodland path, which has been made entirely by Deer, Boar, and Badgers. It is now so well established that one really would think it was a human footpath.

And so back towards home. The sun is shining, it's reasonably warm, and the boys are tired. I have a feeling that they may well settle down to a long pre-teatime sleep by the fire.

Yup; thought so!

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  1. it looks beautiful (albeit soggy) where you are. Love the photo of the pups in front of the fire...this is one of my happiest experiences with animals, when they are spent and content.

  2. It looks idyllic in spite of the wet. We have 28 degrees C with heavy showers at present and humidity of 97%.

  3. With all your wildlife there must be plenty of lovely smells for the dogs to sniff I expect they need to sleep in order to give their noses a rest.

  4. Delightful Cro, I know you are probably tired of the rain but we are desperate for some and that wet path looks beautiful.

  5. I like the way Bok is still keeping an eye on you, even if he is tired.

  6. Sometimes, life is very good...

  7. Missing that lovely countryside and yomping through damp woods. But at least the sun is shining here in Wiltshire today.

  8. I love that rug! and the dogs of course.

  9. Beautiful scenery even though it is slightly soggy. We could use some of that sun over here.

  10. The colors were wonderful, the walk invigorating and the fire so warm. I love visiting you Cro. More Tay please

  11. Happy hounds indeed. How fortunate that a dog's nose is so much closer to the ground than a human's, if dogs were bipedal they would probably all have bad backs from repeatedly bending down to sniff.

  12. We haven't got as much colour. The grass is greener than usual for December as yesterday's snow has changed to today's rain.

    Beautiful photos, Cro.

  13. The one good thing about rain is that it makes the air so clean and fresh smelling.

  14. Is that the rush basket I bought all those years ago?

    1. It's the one we've had for over 40 years; so YES, and still going strong.

  15. Life is good for Bok and Monty.A fantastic walk and then crash out in front of the fire - sounds great.
