Saturday 24 November 2012

Lady Magnon's Rock Cakes.

I'm partial to a cup of Lapsang between 3.30 and 4.00 pm. If I was in England it would be accompanied by a couple of McVitie's dark chocolate digestives; the world's finest biscuit.

Such delights are as yet unavailable here, so alternatives must be found. 

One such is Lady M's Rock Cakes. She has now perfected the recipe, and a week's worth of buns takes her just a couple of minutes to produce.

She incorporates chopped prunes, glacé cherries, and raisins, and I ask her to leave them in the oven for 5 mins more than recommended; I like them a little browned on both top and bottom..... How pampered is THAT!

Now, if you'll excuse me; I think I just heard the tea bell.
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  1. They look delicious with a nice thick spread of butter.

  2. If only the Blitish Empire had prospered the whole world might by now know the joy of a Digestive or a Rich Tea.

    We were poor when I was a child; our rock cakes were often igneous and intended for show only.

  3. Goodness - I haven't had a rock cake for donkeys years.

  4. They look smashing.....and we have no cake in the house at all! mmmmm......must bake soon.

  5. These are a daily treat in our household too, except we have them with our morning coffee. I add chopped nuts and oats for extra crunch.

  6. Lady Magnon's buns and a nice cup of tea. Pampered indeed.

  7. Oh Cro...these look divine...your a lucky man indeed! Lapsong is my absolute favorite.....mmmmmmm

  8. your lady loves you, obviously.
    my finest tea experience was high tea at the Empress Hotel in Victoria, BC. What a delight with all the little sandwiches, digestives and little candies. Oh my.

  9. Love rock cakes - the fruit adding moisture to that delicious sweet crumbliness.

    Many years since I've made them thought - can I come for tea?

    Anna :o]

  10. My one and only experience of making rock cakes was in school Domestic Science classes. They truly lived up to their name.

  11. By co-incidence I have just got a new book out of the library on cooking with Quinoa and there is a recipe for rock cakes - I will make it the first recipe to try!!!

  12. I think a place here carries digestive biscuits. This is the third time in as many weeks that the topic has arisen. I see that as a sign to go purchase some!

    Those rock cakes look wonderful. I, too, like baked goods a bit more browned than most recipes specify. Your Lady M is very good to you!

  13. Lapsang and proper dark chocolate, bliss! With added rock cakes, you ARE being spoilt indeed!
