Thursday 1 November 2012

I Think He's Trying To Tell Us Something!

Monty suffers from ABH (Always Bloody Hungry).

The way he demonstrates his imminent demise (from starvation), is to place his arms around our feet as soon as we sit down to eat. A subtle reminder that there's another mouth that desperately needs feeding. 

He usually presses his nose against our legs too.

Why do I feel so terribly guilty if I don't give him something?

Do other dogs do this?
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  1. That's a great photo, Cro! I had a cocker spaniel named Nicky years ago that would whine and pat your leg repeatedly with his paw while you ate. He could be dead asleep at 3am in another room of the house, and if you quietly opened the refrigerator...10 seconds later he'd be standing beside you! Our current dog, Ginger, isn't quite so bad about begging.

    Your posts about Monty and Bok are my favorites, by the way!

    1. Monty knows the sound of EVERYTHING. Sausage wrappers, fridge door, even just brushing past the box of his biscuits; he's there in a flash. But when I call his name; deaf as a post!

  2. How could you resist that pleading look?

    1. Not easy. I've just had a bacon sandwich for my breakfast, but guess who ate most of it?

  3. What is it with dogs and their stomachs - you have to be hard-hearted to resist that pleading look they give you.

  4. I used to have a permanent paw shaped bruise on my leg thanks to my Airedale who thought it necessary to remind me of her presence at mealtimes. I would try and silently eat chocolate hiding behind a newspaper, it didn't work. I only had to think the word 'chocolate' and she would be there drooling at my side. (I miss her.)

  5. Jake generally plants himself squarely in front of or at the side of Keith and fixes him with a gimlet stare. (He knows Keith is the soft touch). Paddy pretends to be lightly snoozing but also keeps a keen eye on what's going on.

  6. That is just the look of love, and his wrapping his paws around your right leg is what passes for fore-play in the doggie world.

    1. Thank goodness it's Lady Magnon's leg, in that case!

  7. Totally off the subject I couldn't help but notice the tiles. What do you use on them?

    1. Just a broom I think.... not really my department.

  8. Doesn't seem to matter if the food dish is full...they still want what you have cause if you have it, it's got to be better than what they have. I think the sharing of your food cements their position in your 'pack'.

  9. Lovely picture Cro. This is just what I remember about having a dog.

  10. What a goof. We had an Australian Shepherd that would bring her metal dish in her mouth banging it into everything in her path and then set it on the dining room table, fall over and lay there growling until someone put food into it. Rude yes but she got her point across.

  11. I've had dogs stare at me and slobber silently as i sat at the table eating. Hard to ignore.

    Phoebe thinks that whatever i'm having is worth a look, and she's mightily displeased when i tell her it's something she won't like, and she doesn't. Pavlov's dogs have nothing on this cat, let me tell you! She guilts Himself just by a look. I've learned not to cave for the most part, so she has stopped much of her antics with me but sees his wiring is still wrapped around her paw.

    All the kitties love especially poultry and fish, so if we're having that for a meal, i get small lids and place a morsel or two there for each of them. They are happy they get a taste and they leave us alone for the most part, unless it's something so delicious they really want seconds (roasted chicken and turkey usually take top honours).

  12. Crickey Cro my hand would eternally be hanging down with a little goodie in it .How gorgeous and endearing he is a lovely dog,so is Bok but Monty is pretty special maybe because we saw his progress from the day you got him,saying that Bok has his own wonderful fan club too me being one lol.

  13. Our Lilli just sits and watches every forkful from plate to mouth!

  14. Our three dogs are banished from the kitchen for just this reason...otherwise the three kids would be handing out those bits that they don't want to eat... We do have a cat that pesters me at every meal with pleading mews and pawing of leg with the occasional claw...they don't get the whole banishment thing most unfortunately.

  15. Our dogs (4) are horrible beggars. But, I have to say, that is the cutest begging maneuver I've ever seen!

  16. Two times I've tried to make a comment, and both times, things went awry. Hopefully, the third time's the charm.

    Monty definitely deserves a "little something" as a reward for the sheer innovation of his methods. I have NEVER seen a dog beg like that before. By golly, he's a star!

  17. I've not seen a dog grab hold of someone's leg like that. Most seem to depend on longing stares and whimpers!
