Tuesday 20 November 2012

Confiscate That Camera; Quick!

Autumn; season of mists and mellow frui....... Oh do shut-up Cro! Forget bloody Keats;... let's just keep to one or two snaps!

About ten minutes after I'd taken the above, the sun appeared; sorry, but I just didn't have the time to re-take them..... they could have been so much better. (There were also hunters about, so I feared for my safety)

There; that's another Keats's Autumn put to bed.

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  1. Actually I think photos of plants and flowers are better when taken on an overcast day. Brilliant sunlight seems to wash out colors. You did good!

  2. no waxing lyrically about autumn for you I see - typical man!

  3. Do the beautiful autumn colours not inspire you to paint Cro?

    1. At the moment I'm more 'inspired' when all the leaves are down. I prefer to paint the woods in skeletal form.

  4. Thanks for making the effort, Cro. I agree with Gail, overcast days seem to make the colours more vibrant...

  5. Quote away, Cro - take no notice of me. I wouldn't like walk around French woods when the men are out looking for boar - very brave.

  6. That first photo is eerie. It looks like you are about to be engulfed by a mysterious green mist..

    1. It's actually some rather strange, very fine, grass. I've only noticed it this year.

    2. So skunk farms have finally made it down to Southern France.

  7. If it weren't so darned dull and grey so much of the time autumn would be really colourful!

  8. You still have a fair bit of colour over there. Here things are bare, dull, drab. It will look better if we get a wee bit of snow.

  9. Grey here. With the odd rusty leaf hanging on. I feel a bit like that odd rusty leaf today ;-)

  10. Sunshine is highly overated. Your pics are fab. "Gun-Metal Grey" is one of my favorite colors.

  11. I love all the different shades of green in these pics. I think they are lovely, sunshine or no!

  12. Lovely pix-we're in the drab part of autumn here. Most of the leaves are off the trees, the grass is clinging to its last gasps of green, and we're awaiting the first snow that will cover the ground until spring.

    1. UNTIL SPRING?????? I think I'd have to hibernate.

  13. hide from the dampness in your warm kitchen, squirrelling all your pickles and preserves...the colours can look nice from indoors

  14. your walking and photographing sounds like me...woe to the one who may accompany me on a walk and gets sidetracked when I'm trying to get that perfect shot.

    Overcast actually casts beautiful even light over all -- sometimes (especially noon - 3) the harsh shadows and bright spots in between can make it hard to get a good image.

    I love these images.
