Saturday 17 November 2012

Competition Time.

Cro's been busy with his saw, hammer, and nails; but what could it be?

Ethereal prizes for the best, amusing, or most inventive answers.

Clue: It's not an outdoor Thunderbox, Bee Hive, or Dustbin!

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  1. Walnut recepticle?

  2. Grain store or miniature toy tardis for your grandchildren?

  3. Wormery? Cold storage container for pork pies?

  4. It's obviously some kind of smoke catcher for when your neighbour troubles you with his boiler stoking. The smoke will magically collect in the box allowing you to take it back to his house and release it through his letter box. :)

  5. Storage for salt so it's right at hand to sprinkle on your icy front path in the winter. If you were in a more urban area, I might think it to be a waste bin for dog poop, but given you are in the country, I will stick with a salt/sand storage box.

  6. Hmmmm.....tall, handles, larger top than base, wipe off nails, raised off the ground for it's protection....
    I'm thinking this is parked beside your beautiful tower and it holds your knightly jousting equipment and serves double duty as a stand up drinks table....or, it holds chicken feed and you use the top as a chopping block for when it's time for chicken dinner.

  7. If you are anything like my dear Husband, his "trainers" are pretty wiffy by the end of the day. This would make an excellent abode for them just outside the back door!

  8. Could it be a device for if the need arises, you can invite someone to step down from their high horse.

    Or has your conscience got the better of you, and it's a hornet hive for the newly evicted.

    1. I have NO conscience as far as hornets are concerned. Homeless hornets they'll stay.

  9. I suppose it's time to reveal the mundane answer to this exciting Saturday game.

    Last winter my exterior gas bottle froze, leaving me with no gas on our cooker hob. The box is a highly insulated anti-frost job. Hopefully frozen gas will now be a thing of the past. Dull wasn't it!

    1. That IS pretty boring. Hope it works though.

  10. I came late to the blog entry, but wouldn't have guessed correctly. I kept thinking it contained a compost bin inside, and you made it Monty and Bok proof.

  11. Shoot, I was going to guess a place to stash your boots, doubling as a seat to perch when you take them off or put them on.

    I have no idea what a thunderbox is, though.

  12. oh come on I was going to say beehive! I'd have to say a box for the hose?

  13. Hi Cro!

    Here are some spiffed up thunderboxes (now I know what it is).

    1. Some fine examples there Mo. But I'm a little suspicious that they all seem to be exactly the same model!

  14. I was guessing (until you spilled the beans) it was an elegant dog poop container.....

  15. It's a gas-bottle protector against the frost. Do I get a prize?

    1. Well done. Yes you get the 'Irish Clairvoyant Prize', for being able to see into the past!

  16. I would have voted beehive wrapped for winter!!
