Wednesday 3 October 2012

Quit now, if you hate reading about other people's grandkids!

Here are my two tousle-haired, blond, N London based, grandsons again. 

So why, you might ask, is Harvey J making silly faces and looking so smug? And why is little Ollie looking so proud of his big brother?

Well it's because Harvey J has recently won the prestigious Henry Moore sculpture competition for his age group. And, below, is his winning entry. 

A fine looking Sheep! Well done Harvey J...... That'sa ma boy!

Sorry about the photo, I had to enlarge it from tiny.


  1. Looks like he is going to take after Grandad in the artistic line. Well done Harvey

  2. Mind you it is lucky he isn't as artistic as his great-aunt - I have trouble drawing stick men!!!!

  3. cute little boys. and the sheep is nicely done -- I like how he created the wool coat with little balls of clay.

  4. Eat your heart out that chap who created Sean the Sheep (can't remember his name for the moment I've only just woken up). Well done Harvey.

  5. Excellent, well deserved prize! Is Ollie artistic too?

  6. Excellent! It's in the genes, you see! :)

  7. How lovely well done young man!!!

  8. Obviously got some of your artistic talent Cro.
    I've seen worse sheep in so called hand made shops.
    Well done to your Grandson and he's every right to look smug.
    As for posting about them, carry on they are a lovely looking pair.

  9. That's a real funky sheep, very Wallace and Grommit (sp?).
    Beautiful lads x

  10. What a character your winning artistic grandson looks, and how strange that you should mention Henry Moore. I've just posted a photo of a Henry Moore sculpture, that stands - as a sheep might - on a grassy hillside. Well done Harvey lad :-)

  11. Whooo Hooo Cro - very impressive. I see the artistic genes have passed themselves on to this generation too!

  12. I'll long as you will cope with my burblings about my glorious 5 girls!!

  13. Oh well done Harvey J - tis a fine looking sheep indeed!

    The sheep of things to come?...(grandson has a gift!)


  14. Brag on Cro. We all love to gush about our progeny, and rightly so. It is one of the best things in life.

  15. That's what being a Grandparent is all about, Bragging rights!!! Brag on. What an awesome sculpture! You can be assured your artistic talent gene has been passed on.

  16. What a great job on that sheep.

  17. Well, now you've done it. I think I'm in love. I like the sheep too.

  18. No wonder he won the prize! Like Great Aunt Susan, i have trouble drawing stick people. I, too, thought of Wallace and Grommit. Very well done, Harvey, and i love how Ollie is thrilled for his brother.

  19. Obviously a chip off the old block! Well done Harvey J - I look forward to future exhibits.

  20. Now if Harvey J. could only get his sculpture to produce milk, he'd be a shoo in for any upcoming Science Fair as well.
    (and I don't believe he looks silly in that photo. He is obviously sheepish)

  21. Those are two gorgeous boys. The sheep is a classic and very well conceived and produced. Definitely a well deserved prize. Good gene pool! After 4 years I will see my eldest grandson again at the end of next week. Nothing better for lifting the spirits!

  22. I think it is wonderful....the sheep and the bragging ;o)

  23. Brilliant! Well done Harvey J.

  24. Your grandkids are gorgeous! And I love the sheep. I'm a fan of Henry Moore. Growing up in Toronto, I spent a lot of time gazing upon The Archer, which resides outside City Hall. THe Art Gallery of ONtario has a great collection of his work.

    Congrats to Harvey!
