Wednesday 24 October 2012

L'Aguila, Italy. 2009.

Above is part of a shocking 2009 letter that I received from a friend, concerning the terrible death of my 1960's Italian girlfriend, Natascia Monti.

The earthquake struck the town of L'Aguila during the night of April 6th 2009, injuring thousands and killing hundreds. The exceptionally beautiful Natascia was amongst those who died; crushed to death in her apartment (probably as she slept).

Yesterday I learned that 6 scientists, and one government official, have been found guilty of manslaughter, for not having given advance warning of the earthquake. They have each received a 6 year prison sentence.

I have always understood that earthquakes NEVER give prior warning of their arrival, so the process against the scientists is nonsensical. No doubt it will be quashed at a later date, on appeal.

I was obviously both shocked and upset to learn of poor, beautiful, Natascia's demise; but for an Italian court to find these men guilty of manslaughter makes a mockery of both Italian law, and the disaster itself. The Judge should be ashamed of himself, but I expect the 'puppet' had been given strict instructions to condem!

RIP Natascia Monti-Vicentini. 
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  1. RIP indeed. There's no nice way to go.

    [Re the sentence - utterly idiotic! With the current state of the science it's like being jailed for getting the long-range weather forecast wrong. Simple banana-republicism of the type that now means in England virtually everyone gets arrested immediately after a car accident. Cheap and nasty, lowest common denominator Disney politics, designed to appeal to the slobbering classes.]

    1. I suppose you're right; it was designed to appease the collective anger and frustration of the hoi palloi. But very silly.

  2. What a tragic tale Cro - it must have been such a shock for you to learn about it that way.

    1. Terrible. One hears of disasters all the time, but you don't expect your own friends to be involved.

  3. I hear that many scientists are resigning in case another act of God is blamed on them.

  4. NZ has been following the case with interest, especially after ridiculing the idea that quakes might be related to the phases of the moon. Jailing the scientists sounds like someone's personal vendetta. How awful that your friend died in that earthquake.

  5. Maybe there was some seismographic evidence that was missed or ignored. I don't know enough about the case.

    But in this increasingly litigious culture it is true that, before long, nobody will dare do anything.

    1. we as a species always need someone to blame do we not?
      lovely to remember your girlfriend cro.....even though the last memories of her were so sad....
      she sounds a class act

  6. Sorry to read about the death of your friend Cro.

    1civil servant & 5 scientists were receiving fat wages to give a warnings of impending earthquakes and did not pass on to the public a warning regarding the severity expected.

    So.... yes justice has been served upon them.

    This may just awaken others that if you are receiving a renumeration to provide a service then that task must be fulfilled.

    1. The fact that their department existed at all was ridiculous, as earthquakes CANNOT be predicted. One can warn about other disasters, but not quakes.

  7. It's like going back to the days of Galileo, who didn't believe the earth was the centre of the universe. It leads one to believe that the Land of Berlosconi is still functioning...

    Very sad to hear that you lost a dear friend in the catastrophe. Most of the time statistics blunt the personal tragedy of such events.

  8. 'Tis a crazy world we live in. I have long given up trying to understand the nonsense of it all. (So sad about your Italian girlfriend.)

  9. Predicting insane. And your special friends death, another strong reminder to spend time with those we love, it all goes so fast.

    Good to see I am not the only one who saves letters. They are history and art all in one

  10. How sad, indeed. One can only hope she was indeed sound asleep so blissfully unaware.

    Yes let's imprison scientists but ignore politicos who have knowledge about far more mundane things like polluted water from large companies whose officers have paid off said politicos to look the other way.

  11. a sad, terrible letter indeed.

    I am mystified as to the sentencing of these scientists....quakes cannot, with certainty, be predicted (I live in earthquake country in California). Hopefully, justice and reason will prevail for those poor men.

  12. Sorry for that loss of your girlfriend from youth. :( But yes, putting the scientists in jail is insane!!

  13. Oh, I'm so sorry. What sad news for you.

    And we (as a society) seem to feel a need to find someone, anyone, to blame for every loss. As if we could litigate out way to a perfectly safe world.
