Monday 22 October 2012

Apples 2012.

I don't think I've ever known an apple harvest as poor as this year's. Every tree is empty; except for this one above, which belongs to my friend José. Very odd!

So this morning, the route of my early morning walk with the dogs was diverted to pass by on our way home.

After the strong winds, all the apples are now on the ground, so with bag in hand (I always have a bag in my pocket at this time of year), I leapt over the electric fence and filled it up.

I have often said previously; the best apples are scrumped apples. Actually, in this case, they're large but rather tasteless (something similar to Golden Delicious), but the scrumping bit was as delightful as ever.

I may take that route again tomorrow morning; the freezer would welcome a few bags full. 

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  1. It certainly has been a strange year for fruit - I think we had the wrong sort of weather when the trees were full of blossom. I only got a couple of dozen apples when I normally get bucketloads.

    1. We had a few Bramleys, but nothing else. Why this one tree should have escaped, I don't know. It's the same variety as one next to it, which also has nothing.

    2. p.s. The above LOOK much nicer than they TASTE. Pity!

  2. Saw some chap on the Beeb explaining that the weather in England had been the worst ever for apples, wrong stuff at every stage. From the evidence of the sister's apple trees it looks to be true - sorry little beasties indeed.

    No doubt the prices will rise accordingly, never to drop again!

  3. I'm still stuck on the 'leapt over the electric fence' bit!

  4. Thanks for the comment Cro.
    As you say, the countryside around here is beautiful but the town is a different matter.
    I was born here and have seen it develop from a small seaside town into, frankly, a mess now called a city.
    Stay where you are, it looks idyllic.

    I'm impressed with the vault over the electric fence.. lol

  5. Harvest very poor here, due to the Jackdaws ans squirrels. I can only assume the unseasonal wet summer created a shortage of what they usually eat. There were fruits on the trees (including walnuts) but we never got to harvest them.

  6. Since we have had drought on a biblical sense, everything here is in the loo. From gardens, to the ranches and farmland, its been in the loo, period.
    I am very impressed, Mr. M, for the vaulting over the electrical fence. The last time I vaulted over an electrical fence, I tripped, landed on my face and got tangled up in barbed wire along with a very hurt pride.
    Have a wonderful week.

  7. What's your favorite kind of apple, Cro? Mine are Honey Crisp, an East Coast varietal- so sweet/tart that my mouth is watering as I write. Not sure if you keep the same name across the pond.

    1. I think my current favourite is 'Braeburn'; a bit like a 'Cox', but more perfumed. Of course for cooking, you can't beat a 'Bramley'.

  8. We have two apple trees here that produce some fruit. The deer eat them mostly, and i haven't looked this year to see what the harvest is like since i'd have to walk on very uneven ground to get to them. Still babying the foot a tad, but i might sally forth later this week.

  9. I have an espaliered collection of seven trees growing along our drive. This has been one of our best years in about the last five. I think it has to do with the number of bee's as there have been a good number of them this year.

  10. Ours have been exactly the same this year. Of all the fruit trees, only two of the apple tress had any fruit on them at all. The Victoria plum and the damson trees didn't have one fruit between them.

  11. We had the worst pear harvest ever this year...lots of blossom and half a dozen mature ones at the end!well ...just have to hope that next year is a goodie!

  12. In my experience leaping over electric fences can have painful results.

  13. What does "scrumped" mean? I am planning on making a batch of applesauce this weekend.

    1. 'Scrumped' means stolen from someone else's tree. I think I'll do some scrumped apple sauce too.
