Sunday 30 September 2012

The Sunday Story: 'Playground Bully'.

An old school friend of my daughter's recently posted this class photo on Facebook, and it immediately reminded me of an incident which both shocked me, and reinforced my faith in 'natural law'.

My daughter, Tenpin, is the little girl in the middle of the photo; fat tie, patterned jumper.

I'd gone to collect her from school (it was usually Lady M who went), and she was very eager to show me how well she could descend the large playground slide. She took her place in the queue at the bottom of the ladder and, in lady-like style, slowly climbed as she awaited her turn. Suddenly some oafish, much older and bigger boy, barged past all the younger children on the ladder and went directly to the top; callously elbowing everyone out of his way as he went. My daughter very nearly fell from about 10 ft up; the idiot boy's behaviour was totally unacceptable.

Tenpin seemed to ignore what had happened and I proudly watched as she eventually slid down the long well-polished slide. When she reached the bottom, she looked around, searching for the queue-jumping oaf. She then purposefully walked to where he was standing, and, in front of his group of equally-oafish admirers, planted a perfect 'right jab' on his nose; which started to bleed. 'Now don't push past me', said my daughter, wagging her finger, 'or I may have to do that again'.

The boy ran off in tears to (I imagine) his 'mummy', whilst Cro and Tenpin walked away briskly, knees bent, pretending to be invisible.

I'm possibly an irresponsible father, because it sounds as if my daughter over-reacted, but I was extremely proud of her; she was only about 7. Hopefully the idiot bully learnt his lesson too; there were no reprisals.

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  1. good for her - I bet she wouldn't get away with that these days though

    1. No, he'd be in therapy, and she'd be in clink.

  2. Is that how she earned her name? Good girl!

  3. The pupil in the lower row, third from left, looks a little mature - was she held back to a re-do a year or something?

  4. Perhaps the best way to deal with it...well done blood would be boiling and I would be trying to find the oaf's parents (which of course would do no good at all)...I like your idea of Natural Law....Karma perhaps?

  5. well done Tenpin-my daughter did a similar thing when 15. She was in the Nederlands and a fellow cycling team member kept pulling her plait...she did warn him before flooring him....and they are still good friends 15 years on!

  6. I LOVE this story!! I hope it taught that oaf a lesson.

  7. An early indication of her character...not takin nothin from no one.

  8. The classmates on each side seem to be sizing her up. Photo must be after "the incident."

  9. Good for her. Making him look an idiot in front of his mates by a girl - that probably hurt more than the punch on the nose !!

  10. You obviously had a great influence on her! Good for her!!! I wish I had done that to a few bullies in school.

  11. Replies
    1. I taught all 3 of my children that 'posturing', and doing the Ali shuffle, was a waste of time and effort. One straight right jab to the nose and voila!

  12. Bravo, Tenpin. You go girl!
    Mr. M and the Lovely Lady M, you are a wonderful pappa and mum.
    Nowadays, around here, as well as all over, it would be the clink. You cannot defend yourself, and I would still defend myself and be in the clink. Oh well.

  13. Hi Cro

    I'm a new commenter, although I've been following your blog daily for absolutely ages. At last I've got a blog account started myself and can post up comments! I'd just like to say how much I love your blog. I live in France but spend lots of time in the UK working, and my daily dose of Cro keeps me linked in and wishing I was there following the seasons, eating chestnuts, and sampling this years local vintage. I'm aiming on you keeping me going for a good few years yet, so please keep up the good work!

  14. having taught the son never ever to fight...I was over the moon when he papped the class bully twice!...we were hauled in to explain how this gentle lad could have done such a thing!!!

  15. Tenpin rocks and so does her daddy!!

  16. Good for your daughter. If more people stood up to bullies, maybe there wouldn't be so darned many of them.

  17. Oh my goodness Cro, that made me laugh! :)

  18. Over-reacted...Hell No! She probably did that kid the best favour of his life!
