Sunday 2 September 2012

September 1st 2012.

This was the sky that greeted me yesterday morning; it was almost as if it was trying to tell me something!

I love September, it's a month of anticipation. Chataignes, Cèpes, et La Chasse..... all the 'C's'; although I don't personally benefit from La Chasse.

September arrived with a cool breeze from the north; but sunny and refreshing. Usually our temperatures this month hover between 20 and 25 C; perfect for getting all those pre-winter jobs done.

The thin duvet will return to the bed, the 'tower' window will be closed at night, and I shall wear two T shirts (instead of one) until about 11am.

It's not the belting hot summers that make me love where I live; it's months like June and September that make it so addictive. I mean...... just look at that wonderful bloody sky!


  1. Nitrogen, oxygen and argon with traces of Napoleon's last breath (for physics and chemistry examination purposes). Splendid. I like the way the mixture begins to rush around in eddies at this time of year.

    Odd to think of ourselves as creatures that wander about at the bottom a thin layer of the stuff between the black of space and the solidity of a crust formed on the boiling sphere of the planet's internals. We must make a heck of a cosmic goldfish bowl in someone's dentist's waiting room!

  2. Stunning picture indeed. Just lately I decided to find out more about clouds and what they mean, I did learn a bit about them and some of their names a loooong time ago, but this is such an interesting field and all that information they give us - farmers used to know to read them, but in these times...?
    I only know the gorgeous region you live in from summer holidays but I can imagine how the seasons' change change the landscape and all the mushrooms that must appear in those woods. This must have been a great time for those ancient Cro Magnons living there in theri Abris and collecting autumn's abundance for the long winter...

    1. I do try to carry on the tradition, Tina. My store of winter foods is slowly growing.

  3. Very similar sky here yesterday evening, full of swirling veils. I walked to the shop looking up and around in amazement.

  4. There is definitely an autumnal flavour in the air. Coincidentally my daughter messaged me today saying spring had arrived in Oz!

  5. I know what you mean - I'm looking forward to all the 'Season of mists and mellow fruitfulness' posts as well. In fact I might try to set a record by doing one today, the 2nd.

  6. Magnificent picture. September is the best month for us here in Pennsylvania also. It is still summer but those wonderful cool breezes make life so much more pleasant.

  7. Without question, the most wonderful time of the year. Mother Nature turned down the heat-volume here yesterday too. Sitting with A/C off (at last) and windows wide open! Glorious!

  8. The sky pic IS just beautiful!! It's rainy, warm and muggy here....but a few days ago we had blissful weather with lovely breezes for about a week. Hope September is full of good weather, good health and good LUCK!!!

    1. I too hope September heralds those; especially for you, Donna.

  9. that sky is saying, "Come to me...come to me."

    We are still having hot summer temperatures, but the Sand Hill Cranes have returned more than a month early, so the season is out of whack here and there.

    1. I quite expect our Cranes will be heading south soon. Always an emotional sight.

  10. Ah...send some this direction please...

  11. Beautiful photo Cro. What a stunning sky. Our Spring has officially started, now that September is here, not that you'd know it from the weather. I still have a fire going day and night!

  12. The slant of the evening shadows is starting to look different, but that's the only sign that September is here. We're looking forward to when the weather catches up with the calendar and gives us some cool crisp weather.

  13. That sky is utterly spectacular. I'm glad you took a photo and shared it!
