Tuesday 18 September 2012

Call that a Lawn?

The sun doesn't always shine chez Cro, and Autumn seems to have arrived early; even some leaves are falling. We've also had one morning temperature of around 7 degrees C. We have had 'some' rain, but whether or not it will be enough for mushrooms, I'm not sure.

After the laziness of Summer, there is suddenly so much to do. Preserving fruit and vegetables is always a priority, then I need to clear away all the detritus up at Haddock's to ensure that I get off on the right foot in 2013.

There are logs that need sawing, cuttings to be taken, and fruit trees to be pruned. There are still some Butternuts and Pumpkins to be put away, and all sorts of vegetables to be pickled.

The lawn is in a terrible state, and all the grapes need to be picked (and composted) before the wretched hornets find them. I shall also need to give all the grassy areas at least one more mowing before Winter.

The only saving grace is that it's now dark until about 7.30am, which gives me a little more time for 'office/studio work'. However, it also means that the boys whine for longer in the mornings too.

I REALLY do need a 36 hour day!

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  1. Great to be getting the harvest in and getting ready to hunker for winter with its slow cooked meals and soups.

    Got some lettuce and tomatoe plants in today. Fingers crossed they do well.

  2. You make me feel tired just thinking about it all.

    1. my heart bleeds for you..... its pissing down here

    2. It's supposed to be here too, but now't as yet!

  3. Your garden and trees look just like what we left behind a week ago -- along with promises of much needed rain. I can't get over how green it is here! Yesterday it lashed down with rain so hard -- as it is at this moment -- that I had to go to the window and stare...

  4. one of my favourite things about autumn is the carpet of leaves, I never rake them, as I love to enjoy looking at them until they eventually blow into the hedges.

  5. It does sound like a lot of work Cro, but the type of work that is good for the soul, if not for the back!

  6. The dogs are just waiting to jump in that pile... or pee in it. I love autumn, and it's chucking buckets outside this morning. Quite cozy.

  7. The only thing I like about fall is the fact that I can clear a way everything and and make ready for next spring. And it is such fun to plan out next years vegetables and flowers.

  8. Those are the sorts of labor that give us reason to get out of bed in the morning, and keep us young. (OK, so maybe not "young"... but not quite so "old-feeling", anyway.)

  9. I need to get my pumpkins in and the rest of my potatoes dug! It was 26C here today but the other night we had a light frost. Winter's coming. A 36-hour day would be very useful!

  10. I can relate! There were rumors of a frost for last evening so Will and I rushed to bring in the rest of the garden...now we are faced with a full porch full of tomatoes, eggplant, peppers, pumpkins, squash and several shrubs of basil to deal with. There just isn't enough time in the day....
