Thursday 27 September 2012

Bucolic Bounty.

I've been a bit 'under the weather' recently, and yesterday afternoon was the first time I'd been out with the dogs for almost a week.

I went to see if there were any Chestnuts down. The ones I found were much smaller than usual, with the middle one of the three in each husk very thin. We shall enjoy them, even if the farmers don't have the harvest they were expecting.

On the way home I also found a couple of Parasols. So, tonight it's Roast Chicken with mushrooms, chestnuts, and roatsed 'seasonal vegetables'. Can't be bad... it might even help my wretched cold.!

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  1. Sorry to hear that you have been unwell - it happens to the best of us. A nice little selection you found - hope you enjoyed your meal.

  2. Sorry to hear you've been a tad hors de wombat, it must be the turn of the season - there's one of those just-under-the-surface almost-but-not-quite cold things going around here at the moment. Get well soon!

    I hate being ill - it interferes with my being crabby.

  3. Hope you feel better soon Cro. Those parasols look amazing; I've never been able to find anything like that around here.

  4. Your dinner sounds very good. Enjoy! Hope you feel better soon.

  5. I'm sending you some raw milk. It will fix you up immediately. Of course by the time it gets to you it will be yogurt. Same difference.

  6. Or a plain old fashioned hot toddy?

    1. I'll try the roast chicken first.... then maybe chicken soup; they swear by it in Golders Green and Brooklyn.

  7. Glad you felt well enough to be out and about for a walk and that you were rewarded for your efforts!

  8. Glad you are feeling well enough to get outside again....and your appetite is back.

  9. Sounds like an unusual feast. Get well.

  10. Glad you are feeling better. The feast would normally sound great but at the moment I am on millet porridge, stewed apple and bananas - don't even feel like a roast. Thanks for your good wishes

  11. Feel better very soon!! Your mushrooms look great. I have eaten morels and puffballs from our farm but I dare not collect anything else.
