Saturday 22 September 2012

1,000 Glorious Postings.

Yes, this is my 1000th posting on this particular blog, and what larks, eh?

As with so many bloggers, this site was conceived to keep my children informed about what was going on in 'Mummy and Daddy's' lives. Of course, they've never really been interested in all our frippery; they have much more important things to concern them than reading about Cro's veg' growing, our chicken's laying habits, or the price of belly pork.

So, may I take this opportunity to thank everyone who's visited, everyone who's clicked the 'Join this site' button, and everyone who's ever left a comment. Believe me, you have all been greatly appreciated.

In case any of you don't know what Cro looks like; or, indeed, in case my children have forgotten.... that's me above (I hope it doesn't put you off).

Happy Millennium to me. Pop, fizzzzzz, glurg, glurg, glurg. Here's to the next 1,000.

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  1. Congratulations - that is a lot of writing.

  2. I don't remember your eyes being that amazing blue.

  3. Glurg glurg I'll join you in toasting the next 1000. Congratulations!

  4. Congratulations! You're part of my daily routine - get up, put the kettle on, eat breakfast, read Magnon's Meanderings. If Cro's written his blog then I know all is well with the world.

    1. And if I see a comment from you, then I know that life still exists beyond Lumberjack. Sometimes I wonder!!

  5. Kids schmids! Congratulations on reaching your minellium. Menillium. Mullenium. Thousandth.

  6. Oh Well Done! That is an amazing achievement. Even when time is short I always try to read your daily post, as I sip my morning cup of tea, before the work of the day begins.


  7. definitely on to the next're looking very would be good to see more of your art work...especially new ones too!

  8. Yes, Congratulations....I'll raise a glass to the next 1000. I too, rarely start the day wihtout considering your thought for the day....often so much more interesting that radio 4. J.

  9. Well done Cro that's quite an achievement - I admire your staying power and the ability to come up with something different everday. p.s. do you never smile?

    1. Never when folk are taking snaps, or I'm doing a self-portrait. The rest of the time I have a permanent smile.

  10. Like many others your blog is part of my day too,I may not always get a chance to comment but I do catch up with them,you are never boring always,always informative and interesting.hanks Cro and many more joyful blogs from you to us!

  11. Congratulations Cro. I've enjoyed your humour every morning since I found your blog, and learnt a lot too. Here's to the next 1000. Go sit by the pool and enjoy. Glurg, glurg, slurp.

  12. Congratulations, Cro. You actually look a bit like Keith, in a grey hair and beard sort of way. Distinguished! :)

  13. Re the colour of your self-portrait, I put it down to all those fridge-pickles you have been ingesting for the last 30 years.

  14. Félicitations! Love sharing some champagne or even some rouge! Keep going, I am checking in, too!

  15. We've enjoyed those 1,000 posts Cro. Here's to many, many more. Little early over here for champagne, so I'll raise my cuppa coffee to you.

  16. Congratulations, sir (I'm a little more polite than John!) :)

  17. Love stopping by. Congratulations!

  18. I love your blog! I can't wait to read the next 1000 posts. I also check in with you daily. And your self portrait is awesome.

  19. I read your posts quite often, but never comment--But today, I'll say:

    ¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨)
    (¸.•´ (¸.•` ¤ CONGRATS and here's to another 1000 posts--Cheers!!

  20. Congratulations on 1000 postings....

  21. Just look at how many of us look you up before we leave home! Congratulations; I'll be by tomorrow.

  22. Well Done and Many Congratulations Cro

  23. I'll drink to that, but there are those that say I'll drink to anything.

    Seriously though, that's some achievement and well worth... cro-ing... about (damn! I tried, I really did, honest!)


    Tom N

  24. Yeah, congratulaions Cro! here's to many more. I love coming here and spending a part of my day in France, thankyou x

  25. big BIG congrats to you...keep it up!!

  26. I'm a newbie. Can't even remember how I got here. If I could, I'd send them a big "thank you!" Like the others, there are certain blogs that start my day, or rather get it off on the right foot, and yours is one of them.

    I love you because you adopted Bok.

  27. Many more to come, Mr. M.

  28. Your blog was one of the first I ever followed. It has been pleasant reading experience and I have enjoyed getting to know about you, your beloved dogs, and your veggie garden. Hope you have another 1000 posts in you.

  29. Thank you everyone. Now I must be off to write posting No 1001.

  30. Wow! Cro that's impressive! We went up to Chirk to the car boot this morning. I thought about you as we passed Moreton Hall. Wonder if any of your former pupils read your blog. It's a small world.

    1. Dear old Moreton Hall. I'm pleased to hear it's still there!

  31. Congrats, Cro. I also look forward to reading more of your posts.

  32. I am happy to have found your blog, as you have an interesting life, hence all the followers you have gained. Keep it up. My kids may have forgotten what I look like too!!
