Monday 20 August 2012

Splendid Orange Wall Update.

It's been a couple of months since the monkeys returned to their zoo, and the result of their labours continues to impress us. OK, maybe it is cracking-up in the middle, but where there are no cracks it's looking, 'uncracked'.

The problem with using untrained monkeys is that they don't understand the importance of 'solid foundations'. To them it's the bit above ground which is important, even if that does mean that it falls down even sooner than predicted.

And, whoever said that monkeys can't build roofs! Just look at the craftsmanship on this fine example of pump-house roofing. You may be thinking that they brought in a local expert specially for the job; but no, the same monkeys also managed to create this perfect paragon of beauty (which we are lucky enough to behold each and every day).

If only ancient Rome could have employed such fine craftsmen, it might be still standing today! Come to think of it.... it is still standing; and without having used any monkeys either!
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  1. Looks as though some fast growing greenery is called for.

    1. It's already planted. Wisteria, Fig trees, Rhus (?), and other stuff. In a few weeks the Leylandii will go in too.

    2. That would be my suggestion too, lots of greenery. It will probably hold the "wall" up better than the foundation. It is sad to have neighbors like that. Sorry for you.

  2. Such fine craftmanship - it obviously only meant to be a temporary structure

  3. Were they plastered when they built it?

  4. Cro, just think how much more you would have had to pay for the pump house, had you asked for it to look rustic and 'distressed'..

    1. It's not mine Rusty, it has just appeared on the boundary of my land, where it has replaced a nice green hedge. If it had been mine, they'd have had to start neighbour is not so particular.

  5. I have heard that cracks in foundation are all the rage now. I have a few myself, more so on my body than my house.

  6. I think those same Monkeys built our conservatory! It’s no wonder my lawyer couldn’t find them ……they are in France.

  7. Not good. I love the color though.

  8. Wisteria will take it down even sooner. Maybe you can quit looking at it in the meantime. Use your horizon gaze.

  9. Nice to know these very talented people?are world wide lol.

  10. The color covers a wealth of errors. How about painting a spider web design over the cracks?

  11. I could detect not even a hint of cynisism there Cro...

    At least I now know why my house is taking so long to complete, the b******s have been moonlighting in France!

  12. Please tell me you didn't pay the monkies!

  13. OY! I fear it's a worldwide epidemic. A couple of those monkeys made a mess of our back patio, too.
