Saturday 4 August 2012

Logs for 2013.

It seems inappropriate to talk of logs at the hight of summer, but farmers must deliver when they can.

My friend José, his daughter Laurence, and her friend Marie-Ange, delivered my last load of logs yesterday (foreground, and rear). They are all 2 metres long, and will need to be sawn-up into 50 cm lengths and stacked, they were cut about 2 years ago, so are all reasonably dry.

I guess there must be about 4 cu ms there, making a total of 11 cu ms that he has delivered this year. We now have nearly 30 cu ms in stock; mostly Chestnut, with a good load of Oak as well. We should be OK for several years to come.

Time to put that brand new chain on the Husqvarna, and let rip.... maybe I'll leave it till September, when our summer guests have all gone. 
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  1. It's never too soon to start stocking up for winter - we have a pile waiting to be chopped up - we seem to get through an enormous amount every year - the wood burning stove is a hungry beast.

    1. We have both a stove in the sitting room, and an oven in the kitchen... between them they're ravenous.

  2. Marie-Ange. What a lovely name.

  3. WE had wood delivered this week too but it is great hulking chunks not neat logs like you have,yours would be so much easier to stack neatly,have fun with the Huskvana.

  4. There's no such thing as too much wood. Yes, wait until September - enjoy your every moment of your summer visitors.

  5. Cold and wet here again today so the wood pile is diminishing quickly.

  6. Or maybe you could take advantage of having your son there and ask him to help you cut and stack them. That is hard work and we aren't as nimble and strong as we used to be.

  7. Nice! Looks like it is all small diameter wood and won't need to be split either! We seem to always get large log sized, wonky with branches American beech and sugar maple that requires a lot of splitting...

    1. It's perfect diameter wood. Our last load contained some hefty stuff, but this is just saw-n-stack.

  8. Maybe wait until that annoying neighbour of yours is having an outdoor party and then let it rip lol.

  9. There you go - looks like you're one step ahead of the game. Chop chop.

  10. Let's hope he didn't saw his leg half off this time.

  11. It's never the wrong time to talk of logs in this house...good post !!!

  12. September will be cooler weather as well, and so the exercise will warm you up!

  13. About a fortnight ago, I paid for the oil bill for the upcoming winter and also eyed the wood pile we have. It wouldn't hurt to have more on hand.
