Sunday 26 August 2012

Humans in Cages.

I've always been a bit 'on the fence' about the death sentence; but mostly on the side of 'anti'.

There is no question, in my mind, that certain people deserve to sacrifice their own lives in exchange for their unbelievably despicable behaviour (a current case in Oklahoma City in the US is a good example), but there are many more borderline cases.

I like the look of these cages above, and can imagine them being made a little bigger to contain a sleeping surface, TV (for exercise programmes, and endless replays of The little House on the Prairie), and a secure opening for the occasional slice of dry bread and half-glass of brackish water. 

They could be hosed down once a week, be easily moved around by fork-lift truck, and the prisoner need never leave his/her cosy confines. A tarpaulin could also be provided in case of exceptionally harsh weather (if the cages were to be stacked outside).

An economic answer to a very expensive logistical problem... Just an idea!


  1. Horrific! I don't know where this image is from, or, what those prisoners have done, however, they are obviously in a country who has little belief in "human rights".

    Cro - I do have some leaning towards a tougher treatment of recalcitrant and vicious criminals but I don't think I could support your program. (But I do admit something has to be done to stop gaols becoming hostels!)

    1. It comes from the US (where else), and I believe they were attending some sort of 'lecture'. It demonstrates, I suppose, that certain criminals are so dangerous and unpredictable that they can't even be let loose amongst their own kind!

  2. Goodness where do you find these things. I don't rightly know what my views are on the death sentence - not something I want to think about.

  3. I think the TV should be placed outside the cage, then they could be shown whatever programme deemed to be suitable. Maybe help with their rehabilitation.

  4. Didn't SCOTUS declare these devices to be 'Cruel and unusual punishment'?:
    “It’s a big record. What I did was I – it refers to on-line evidence – I went and looked at the pictures, and the pictures are pretty horrendous to me. And I would say Page 10 of the religious group’s brief (PDF), for example, shows you one of them. And what [the religious groups] are saying is obvious. Just look at it. In conditions such as these, you cannot have mental health facilities that will stop people from killing themselves, and you cannot have medical facilities that will stop staph and tubercular infection.” in SCOTUS discussion of Schwarzenegger vs. Plata.

    1. The case of Schwarz v Plata mostly concerned slow or inadequate medical treatment of prisoners. There's no reason why 'caged' prisoners shouldn't receive good medical care. Not that I'm SERIOUSLY suggesting such things!

  5. If you look carefully at that photo, you can just about make out the out-of-focus cage that the picture was taken from within or behind. Maybe they give them cameras?

  6. I think modern day prisons are made far to comfortable for the inmates.....if things were a little uglier it would be more of a deterrent to taking up a life of crime. Close confinement, no outdoor privileges, one meal a day, certainly no tv/radio/reading material and no exposure to human life whatsoever. Just lots of time to think.

    1. Sadly, Delores, the only people who would never agree with you are either politicians or loony-left do-gooders (of the Lord Longford ilk).

  7. I fully support the death sentence for horrific crimes. Why should I pay for them to live for years and years after taking someone else life? And the cages? Must say they look too nice for some monsters who deserve far less. So there you have it. One vote for the death penalty. Some sweet old grandma I am huh?

    1. Some crimes are SO HORRIFIC that there should be only one response (and no appeals).

  8. And if you're not going to execute them, they should do some sort of meaningful work to give back to the community. Farming would be a great start--they could grow their own food plus plenty extra for local food banks. I don't think they should just hang out and watch tv all day (although I love your idea of endless reruns of Little House on the Praire!) and they certainly should be made to be useful.
