Thursday 30 August 2012


It was only a year and a half ago when we planted the Wisteria against the wall of our 'tower'. Since then I've re-routed some Vines, put in a couple of Clematis and a Hydrangea, and behind the open gate there's a Fig.

Already the foliage is doing what's asked of it, and the small building is beginning to look as if it's been there for ages.

We are still sleeping in there, and other than it having been swelteringly hot recently (no electricity for a fan), it's been wonderful. We've been waiting for the traditional August storms to make our Summer's enjoyment complete, but they've all proved to be half-hearted affairs.

Whatever happened to those seriously frightening storms of mid-August; they seem to have disappeared!

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  1. The building is looking beautiful - Wisteria is a perfect plant to help it blend in. It is wet and miserable here so not really missing August storms.

  2. It looks beautiful and very settled. The roof line and detailing beneath it is very pleasing to the eye. What a wonderful place to sleep.

  3. Our storms arrived yesterday, spectacular, and provided the ground with a much deserved soaking. Your tower is looking wonderful. J

    1. We too had a short but impressive storm yesterday afternoon which knocked out our electrical sockets. Our 'man' arrives later.

  4. It looks lovely, Cro. My experience with Wisteria has been that it is invasive and grows very fast. It is a plant (vine) that must be managed. It looks like you are doing a wonderful job with that though.

    1. It's already had one good pruning this year; it was getting under the tiles. Luckily it's not to high-up.

  5. What a lovely place to sleep. Those storms will come, Cro, and when they do you will be there to enjoy them.

  6. What a beautiful, romantic setting!

  7. You should paint it. On canvas I mean..

  8. Wisteria is work but its beauty is worth it

  9. Wow that looks really neat. I love wisteria - I've got a white flowered one - managed to take a cutting earlier on in the year.

  10. You can't beat a good storm! We love to come out back and watch them from the covered deck. Get some good ones in Ontario.

    Interesting post on Oz. They did well to get in, then! Looks divine.

  11. Hmmm, I can almost smell the wisteria from here.
