Saturday 18 August 2012

Brown job.

We call this dog 'Brown job'. He belongs to some people who live about 2 Km's away.

Our neighbours used to have a dog (the one we called The Black Bastard), and he and Brown job were inseparable friends (a bit like Monty and Bok).

Eventually, about two years ago, The Black Bastard was callously given away, but Brown job still walks the 2 Km's each day, crossing two roads en route, to see if his friend has returned.

It's all rather sad, as no-one really cares about poor old Brown job. He's fed and watered, but that's as far as it goes; he's not even very friendly. But he continues to walk for miles each day, rain or shine, hoping to see his good friend.

I wish there was a happy ending to relate, but that's it. The solitary story of the travelling 'Brown job'.


  1. Oh, that makes me so sad. How could someone who owns dogs not love them?

  2. A bit of a tear jerker for first thing in the morning

  3. Perhaps you should adopt him as well!!!

    1. Our two just growl at him!

      We're promised 41 degrees C for today... I'm staying indoors!

  4. Oh that is sad. He is quite a handsome spaniel. Nice colouring. Poor old Brown Job.

  5. He looks like a tough nut to crack but I bet you could improve his day a bit with a bowl of cold water and a spot of shade ... you'll probably end up with 2+1 in the way of hounds though.

    Dog loyalty - it comes down to that old test of nipping out for a loaf of bread for five years and then coming home unannounced to see which is happiest to see you, the Missus or the dog.

  6. Sometimes it is just a dog's life, eh?

  7. This reminded me of the vet I worked for, who adopted a tatty stray cat which the staff had named "That brown thing". She shortened his name to "Brown".
    He went on to live a long and pampered life.

  8. This is so sad! I wish I could adopt Brown Job and show him all the love he deserves. :(

  9. When I was a child I knew a cocker spaniel named Rusty. This fellow could be his reincarnation in looks and color. Except, Rusty was kept chained in a small area. The children were afraid of his lunging and barkig. Two sad dogs.

  10. Poor old thing.

  11. sad, indeed. makes me angry that his people don't love him as he deserves.

  12. He looks so sad. I hate it when animals are not being cared for properly.

  13. O my! Once, whilst on holiday in Port Grimaud, I found Brown Job's double . . . I swear. I'll post some pics one day. I spent the whole ten days trying to find a home for him and cooked him beouf bourgignon. I was so sad to come home and leave him still homeless :-(

  14. True doggie love and loyalty on the one hand, and what I've hated about people in the French countryside since being a little girl on the other hand - why do they have dogs when they just don't care about them, as you say, fed and watered but that's it. I spent many tears for them, the soft soul I am.
    This guy at least isn't at the end of a one meter chain though..
