Saturday, 28 July 2012

What the......???

The dogs bring home some pretty wierd things, but this.... YUK.

Being possessive, Monty wouldn't let me inspect what he'd found (until we arrived home), but I could just make out the teeth; I presumed it was a Badger head, or something equally disgusting.

But no; it was a large plastic Crocodile head which he'd found in a newly cut hay field.

The question remains; how did it get there, and where's the rest of it?

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  1. CORRECTION. The picture I posted yesterday was actually of Aston 'Family Man' Barratt; Bob Marley's bass played and band leader. Woops!

    I know what you're saying 'anyone could have made the same mistake'. No they couldn't!

  2. ha! plastic! It sure looks real! I was thinking, who the heck is raising these wild creatures in Cro's neighborhood? A relief that it is man-made.

  3. That has got to be the weirdest thing ever found in a field - well spotted Monty - a sort of Crocodile Dundee moment!

    1. AND, he pretended that it was the real thing!

  4. Only in Abroad - in England that would just have been the head of a garden gnome!

    Did they film any of Jurassical Park near you?

    Someone, not far away, is getting the shock of their life as their dog drags home a HEADLESS crocodile ... Good boy! Well done, Rover! Who's a nice fierce dog then!

    1. Even when at home, and he'd finally dropped it, I still picked it up with a shovel thinking it was real. Good to know he has a sense of humour.

  5. Thanks for a hoot of laughter as I read the opening sentence and saw the pic. :D

  6. That's a great find. The dogs around my workshop have a habit of finding squeaky toys associated with Christmas, for some reason.

  7. My father-in-law once caught a plastic shark while ice fishing. There just aren't sharks in our lakes, not even plastic ones, so Dad just about had a coronary when he pulled this baby out of the hole.

    I hope you're not throwing out the croc head - it's very unusual!

  8. Maybe you should mount it on your wall. It could be quite a conversation piece.

  9. Yuk indeed! - even if it is plastic.

  10. It's the sort of thing that a nine year old boy would bring home too!

  11. I'm guessing it used to be a lawn ornament. How it ended up in a field half-eaten is the real question. But don't you ever wonder what goes through Monty's brain when he's grabbing these things? "Alright! A huge severed head with deadly teeth! Yay!"

  12. Just for a moment I thought it was a land dwelling shark...

  13. When I first saw the photo, I thought, do these folks in France have Crocs?? I thought MY dogs brought some strange stuff home over the years, but this takes the cake!!!

  14. This made me laugh1 out! loud!

    I had a cat who brought me home a yellow feather duster, from god knows where.
