Saturday 7 July 2012

Ruby Murray?

Ere, I were proper 'ank Marvin last night. So the old Trouble-n-Strife goes, 'ow d'ya fancy a Ruby? 

I called 'em on the Dog-n-Bone, and when he said it'd be a Pony, I said he must be 'avin a larf. I couldn't Adam-n-Eve it. Bleedin Tea Leaf. Too much me old China; Borassic.

So we went down the Rub-a-Dub instead, and I got proper Elephant's Trunk. Oooo, me achin' Loaf.


  1. Well, I understood some of it....possibly most of it. But what is a ruby?( some type of take away food?) and I'm guessing it cost a pony (but how much is that ?)or have I got it completely wrong?

    1. Hi Helsie. A Ruby (Murray) is a Curry, and a Pony is £25.

    2. Ah, I was going to guess curry but only from the context as Ruby Murray doesn't mean anything either. That's my new fact learnt for the day!

  2. Morning Cro - thought I'd just logged on to Del Boy's web site.

  3. I got them all except Hank Marvin ... starvin'? (Extrapolating here.) We had a Ruby for dinner tonight and very nice it was too.

  4. I like it.
    We recently went up to the smoke and had pie and mash, lovely.

  5. I momentarily had a blind spot about 'Elephant Trunk' so looked it up on the Urban Slang website, where, apparently an 'Elephant Trunk' is slang for an uncircumsized penis. Of course, I realise you meant drunk now, but it certainly made me giggle like a smutty teenager for a while!

    1. Oh dear, I'll have to watch my language!

  6. well good old ruby murray meant a lot in our house growing up ...belfast you know!!!

  7. Haha! We also had curry last night - thought about a takeaway then went into M&S and got their version of four different dishes for £8. Made our own rice and saved the starters for lunch today. Lovely jubbly! ( BTW there's a terrific advert on UK TV at the moment using the Hank Marvin rhyme for starvin'. Sadly the product is cr*p.)

    1. I could hardly believe it... I saw it yesterday. Coincidence eh?

      Oh to have M & S down the road. The best Lasagne I've ever eaten came from them; it was wonderful.
