Monday 2 July 2012

R.I.P. Robbie

I've known Robbie all his life, but he died last night. In his heyday he was an impressive, almost 'vicious looking' dog, but in fact he's always been an old softy.

We named him Robbie 'Baskerville' on account of his size and look, and over the years he'd become a really good friend. Most days he would pop by the house for a biscuit, have a pee (or worse), then continue his round of the other nearby houses. 

Robbie belonged to my friend José, and accompanied him everywhere; usually in the back of his truck. I know he'll miss him terribly.

Dogs come and go. They all have their own particular characteristics, likes, dislikes, and ways of doing things. Robbie was a calm, take-life-easy, faithful old chap, and I'm very sorry to see him go.

So off to the big kennel in the sky with you Robbie..... I'll catch up with you later.

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  1. Fancy photographing him while he lifted his leg! He looks like he was a big solid fellow, I can see why you called him Baskerville. RIP, Robbie.

  2. It's always sad to see a friend go...Best to Robbie in the sky!

  3. Our lives are made better with the love of a pet. Unfortunately, their years are too short and they are gone too soon.

  4. He was a big old fellow wasn't he?

  5. Very sad news. Our dogs leave such a gap in our lives when they go. It took me 3 years to even contemplate getting another dog after my last one died.

  6. May he run forever in that great field in the sky.

  7. This reminds me of the dear old dog that belonged to our neighbours in France -- an old farm dog that belonged to the father of the farmer's wife. This dog loved to come and visit us -- as soon as she heard the cutlery on the terrace over she would trot. Once she almost got away with a leg of lamb that was on the bbq ... She died a few months after the old man. So 'cheerio' Robbie, you look like you were a real pal...

  8. Find peace over the Rainbow Bridge, Robbie.
    And condolences to your friend, its hard, I know.

  9. so long and farewell, Robbie, looks as if you had a spectacular life and brought happiness to many.

  10. I'm sorry about this everyone. These things tug at the old heart strings. Tomorrow is another day!

  11. They sure do, Cro. Sounds like he was a lovely dog. Cheers, to Robbie's memory.

  12. Nice tribute to your four legged friend - sorry about your loss (and the one of your friend). We connect with animals at times strongly than with people, as they are so honest in their conduct...

  13. I can never read posts like this without a tear in my eye. Having lost pets along the way I know how it feels.
    So sad.

  14. Always sad to lose a pet - sadly one tends to lose many over ones lifetime. Rest in Peace Robbie

  15. Someone better have opened those gates up there quick or the old chap will have left his wee there as well. God bless Robbie

  16. No need to apologise, Cro, always sad to say good-bye to a four-legged friend. Robbie sounds loveable, and it's easy to see why you'll miss him.

  17. How very sad about your old pal, I am sure you will miss him dearly...
    Keep the good memories of the fury chap close to yer heart...cheers
