Thursday 26 July 2012

Little Bug*ers.

I mentioned a few of days ago that I'd been stung on the hand by a bloody wasp whilst cleaning out the hens. I have now discovered WHY!

Inside the handle of the small shovel that I use for 'sanitation purposes', there was a stupid bloody wasps nest... how stupid can idiot wasps be! No wonder I was bloody stung.   

Halfwit wasps.... they have already received a short sharp blast of Wasp-u-Hate spray.

If you enlarge the photo, you might just see the little blighters inside. The yellow dot is the look-out's head, there were about 6 inside, as well as the nest.

Sting me in-bloody-deed... And just as I was considering becoming a Jaine!

Never a dull moment.
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  1. If the goal of a wasp is to sting, then I'd say that they're mighty crafty little blighters!


  2. Oh, how unusual, wasps nest are usually large, there is not much place to expand in a shovel handle.;) Very odd indeed.;)
    Have a great weekend,

    1. I think there are many different types of Wasp (they all look much the same). Some make huge underground nests, others tiny shovel handle nests. I just happened to pick up the latter!

  3. Just as well you exterminated them before the visitation of little people.

  4. Morning Cro - How crazy is that

  5. I read something this week trying to persuade readers that wasps were nearly as nice as bees...they eat insects, only the female stings, etc etc.......I was not convinced....kill em I say. J

  6. The world's first vibration-assisted shovel. You'll probably find that it doesn't cut through the hen-poop quite so well now that you've removed the power-pack ...

    I a eternally grateful that wasps aren't the size of cows. For one thing, you'd never have been able to lift the shovel.

    1. Wasps bigger cousins the HORNETS, nearly are the size of cows. A good right hook usually calms them.

  7. How stupid can wasps be? I once saw a family sitting by the side of a steep, downhill road, having a picnic (complete with folding table and chairs) on a nice gravel surface - which was one of those emergency places which lorries could pull into to stop themselves if their brakes failed!

  8. I've only seen one wasp this year. Perhaps all the rain earlier put them off.

  9. Ouch! That really is a very bad place to make a nest. Looking at the shape of the handle though, I can see why it might have attracted them.
    One year some wasps had made their nest in the ticket dispenser section of the car park ticket machine. Harvest time for the traffic wardens!

    1. With respect to the highly-trained and dedicated individuals of the profession and referring, cough cough, merely to the uniform and movement patterns, how could you tell Traffic Wardens from wasps?

    2. A.You can't. One stings you for pleasure. The other stings you for pleasure.

  10. I got badly stung on the arse last year when working in bosoms
    hate the little buggers

    1. The worst I've had was on the ear lobe; the little blighter just flew at me, and STUNG.

  11. i can hear the switch flip over in your brain..KILL>>>KILL>>>>KILL.

  12. OMG, that is the weirdest place for a nest I've ever seen. Sorry about the sting - glad you got rid of the pesky buggers.

  13. I would have never thought they would build in a shovel handle, gonna start checking mine...

  14. In a way it makes sense. The opening kind of as a honeycomb hexagon shape. Scary.

    1. You're right, Amy. They probably thought I'd put it there specially for them!

  15. So, you have failed the O level Jain test.

    I had two bees nest in a pair of jeans in the pocket as they were drying on the clothesline. (I had forgotten to turn the pockets inside out.)

    I put them on next day and got stung very near my groin. Took the jeans off, put them in a plastic bag and doused the jeans with some cheap brandy (no wasp/hornet/bee spray on hand) and tied off the bag. Went out for the spray, and when i came back, i let the bees out. They were staggeringly drunk, and i didn't have the heart to kill them. Figured a bad hangover was enough. I've never forgotten to pull the pockets inside out since.

    1. Very generous of you to provide them with Brandy. I'm surprised they didn't come back for more!

  16. Bloody wasps, indeed. They buggers have built multiple nests right outside our back door this year. My hubby kills them and destroys the nest, but the persistent little beasts build all over again. And they manage to get into our house, too, which drives our cats (and me) batty.

  17. You have to give them credit for an unusual architectural choice!

  18. There is absolutely NO point to wasps or slugs. No point at all. So there. ;)
