Tuesday 10 July 2012


Well, all right; I'll tell you anyway!

Lady Magnon (red trousers, black espadrilles) took the two dogs for a walk two nights ago. As usual they ran off into the woods in search of real or imaginary foe. Lady M then heard a terrific squeal, and the boys returned, hot paw, looking rather sheepish. Only when she was brushing Bok some time later, did she notice a perfectly round (non-bleeding) hole in his side, the size of a 50p coin (3cm diameter). 

So, yesterday morning it was off to the Vet's, and a few stitches later, this is how he returned.

White patch; stitches. Purple patch; anaesthetic. White lampshade; ear trumpet.

Poor old Bok. Never a dull moment; I think he does it on purpose just for the attention!

The mystery is; what caused it? Wild boar, Roe deer, Badger? Unfortunately we'll never know.

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  1. Oh my, poor Bok (and I am sure Lady M was upset also). It must have been bad since as you have mentioned before, the French do not usually take their animals to a vet. Hope he mends quickly.

  2. Ouch, ouch, ouch. Love to Bok and good wishes for speedy healing.

  3. Poor Bok - I am wondering what colour Lady M is wearing with the lovely red slacks - perhaps the same colour as Bok's bandage.

  4. Poor Bok. I wonder what he came up against. (Hope Monty isn't laughing at the lampshade!)

  5. Morning Cro - Ah the cone of shame - if only dogs could talk.

  6. Well it's not a rabbit! That's for sure

  7. So long as the vet checked there was nothing inside the hole. Ugh! Sounds a nasty creature. Poor Bok!

  8. A dog with a satellite dish installed! Give that hound a medal (for something, anything) and a swift hug please. Might have been a knife-fight with a squirrel.

  9. Maybe he'll wear it long enough to learn how to catch balls by scooping them up, as a friend's dog did.

  10. poor old chap, the dreaded bucket, or as the more stylish vets like to call them the "Elizabethan collar" :-D

  11. Oh, the dreaded cone of shame... Bok seems to be wearing it well, however, and kudos on his clownlike colour combos. He's a dude, not doubt about it.

  12. Poor little baby.

  13. Oh dear, poor Bok. I hope he heals soon.

  14. Oh, my! Get well Bok. I sometimes wish I had a camera mounted on the dogs so I could see what they are really up to.

  15. Poor guy. Gored by a wild rhino, or such. He wears that cone like a crown round his neck.

  16. Ah...but it COULD have been a rabbit! You know, the one with a vicious streak as long as my arm? (Sorry- family movie night was "Monty Python and the Holy Grail)

  17. perhaps a wild stag? or an extraterrestrial stun gun? Hope he heals up quickly.

  18. Poor Bok! Good on Lady M for noticing something was amiss, and glad you were able to have him looked to.

    I'm guessing a badger, and perhaps one with young, which the dogs would find irresistible to smell, sniff, and chase.

    I also hope for Bok's speedy recovery!

  19. Poor Bok, a speedy recovery old boy! Our little Sophie is gimping around as well. Seems her hatred for squirrels sent her into a reckless pursuit, the problem was the beast was outside and cleaver Sophie inside. She soon found out that the glass walls in the conservatory will not move no matter how hard she slams her little body into them.

  20. Glad he's okay...our doggies despised the lampshade...

  21. He looks a bit like a war hero, guess he won't be going into that part of the woods again,I was afraid you were going to say someone took a shot at him at first...get well soon Bok you poor darling.

  22. poor old fellow..needs a bit of TLC.

  23. Aw, the cone of shame. Poor baby. Looks like a pretty good-sized wound there--scary!

  24. I'm inclined to blame the roe deer. My previous fox-terrier, Bella, had a similar chunk of flesh kicked out of her by the hoof of a deer. She also lost a tooth. Bella was very well behaved in the woods after that!
