Sunday 17 June 2012

Nice Day For It!

The sky is blue, the sun is out, the Chestnuts are in flower; it's going to be a hot day. So, what better morning than this for taking a wee ride in a hot air balloon.

The horses watched, the dogs watched, and I took the pix.

We have our own balloon trip booked for July/August; we can't wait. I wonder if we'll be going up in this one?

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  1. Toto, I've a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore...

  2. A friend of mine and her husband were given a present of a balloon trip over a year ago. After numerous cancellations because of the weather, they finally managed to take it a few weeks ago! Hopefully, you will be luckier. :)

  3. Sounds like fun. Look out for overhead power-lines.

  4. I love LOVE to see hot air balloons, but, man . . . getting up in one scares the heck out of me.

  5. I can't very well join you if you don't give me an exact date and place now can I?

  6. We have a ballooning centre near us and often see hoardes of them overhead scaring all the animals in the fields. I expect to see lots of aerial shots when you eventually go up, up and away.

  7. I'd love to take a balloon ride, we often see them floating over the Tor.

  8. What is it that stirs the heart so, seeing these glorious objects in the skyh? Were we originally meant to fly and just have not yet evolved to do so?
